How do I get a girlfriend
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There is no one recipe for success, but here's a few pointers:
Confidence is very attractive, overconfidence is not.
Personal hygiene should not be underestimated.
It's a numbers game, be prepared to ask a girl out and be cool if you get shot down.
It's a numbers game... See what I did there?
If you are interested in a girl, even if you don't ask her out, let her know you like her. Seriously, if you don't have a hope it can't hurt but someone being attracted to you is nice and will bring you to their attention in that context.
Don't dismiss clichés, flowers, chocolates, poems, songs, jewelry and non-stalkery attention: these are your friends.
Lastly, sites like Château Heartiste... Avoid them or maybe just use them for a list of don'ts.