Nothing you plan on publishing, no. I think it works out for some people to change things around a little, but it's a risky move.
That said, ideas are plentiful. You can publish some things online under one name, and submit others that you think would be better suited for a novel or novella to publishers under another. All my furry and erotic work goes online for free, while the science fiction, fantasy, and horror is saved for submission. Where I'll send all that eventually if I can't publish it, I'm not sure.
I also agree with the above otter about needing to practice. Writing, sharing, and discussing with others online is a good way to gain experience when it comes to what you do or don't like and to improve your understanding. Many people spend years writing before they get a good handle on it and start publishing, getting paid, and being noticed.
Have pride in your writing, and it will reward you. I've seen furry authors who don't edit or revise their works on major websites wanting $15 for their self-published e-book on Amazon (that's more than Stephen King's books!), and I died a little inside. Some people can get by with appealing to niche audiences or shocking readers, which accounts for the popularity of stories on SoFurry that weren't spell-checked, but still.
Publishers reject a lot of work, too. You'll have to be persistent.