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Author Topic: I have two bases but no idea what to do next!! HELP Please Anyone!!!  (Read 1044 times)

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Offline tigerraye

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  <blockquote> Okay here is my dilemma. I am a noob when it comes to making a fursuit or anything near it. I never have done anything quite like it. Now knowing that, I commissioned two different people to make me bases, one was Omtay Dover and the other Isabellaprice. I have these bases now but I am literally left clueless. I have no idea how to make a completed head....out of either of these two. The top on is a canine base which is a canine/fox fursona, and the one bottom is my favorite which is adira who is a tiger. So can anyone help me with what to do next...and guide me a little thanks for all your help!!
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