Hello, my name is Dr. Prower. I just discovered this forum and decided to try it out, see if I'd find it to be an enjoyable place. I'll start by answering the startup questions offered by the welcome topic.
What's your/your fursona's name?
I actually have two fursonas, a male arctic wolf named James (who I am currently in the process of reworking) and a female fennec fox named Janine (a.k.a. Jam. She's my main fursona. And yes, I am a guy.)
How long have you been a part of the furry fandom?
I first became introduced to it when I was fifteen, however I didn't truly embrace identifying myself as a fur until I was seventeen.
What are your interests?
Besides furry stuff, I love anime, cartoons, video games, music of the rock and country variety, and anything Japanese.
Any favorite games/movies/music?
I'd say, in order, Final Fantasy 10, The Dark Knight, and Anarchy Club.
What's your favorite color?
Anything in particular you're hoping to find on the site?
Just a friendly community of furs.
Thanks for reading this introduction, and hopefully you'll be seeing me around a lot!