Hey, this is Astro and I'm lookin' for some cool-canine writers to roleplay with.
Ok! Here's the dealeo, Romeo: I've got a splendid' lookin' poochacho right here and we're looking for a buddy to help us start a universe rp-- one with the possibility of my adding in other characters and in forging deep bonds between your fursona and mine.
But hey, we may as well pitch this badboy with the absolute basics. Obviously, we can't do anything without you knowing the buried bones. This is Jack. Jackie was originally a dog, but now he's just my dummy chinchilla-pup. Long stupid tail and a stupid grin that eats easy shit. He's an uper homosexual, gross and in love with an assortment of late 90's sitcoms and Dr. Phil. He's the sort of guy you see at a sports bar downing three shots of hard liquor drenched in mudslide. An absolute fruit, if I may-- though he's very aware of his weight and of how to use it to his advantage. Get my drift???
18 (human yrs)
Blind in one eye- the other's half-emptied out of its socket. He was involved in an unfortunate car accident, which left him partiality impaired.
I'm looking for a romance-adventure themed roleplay. It is a MUST that you do have some experience in stylistic story-formatting, worldbuilding...and in general: writing. I am a long-paragraph RP'r. I'd want for you to match my wordcount, if possible! And if you really are interested, I wouldn't pass up ogling a roleplay sample from your que. Don't be shy! I'm not picky. I only want your prose to suit my own style. I'd want us to not be awkward, yeah?
Jackie has a feral and a human form!! There arent any limitations, beyond my preference for keeping this rp canine-oriented or human-oriented EXPLICITLY, as far as any romantic/sexual relationship is concerned. I'm not comfortable with crossing species!
I'll draw dumb comics for our character if you inspire me enough. Again, pretty please hmu!