As the title says, i'm looking for someone to rp with that shares identical tastes in adventure, action and romance. A female canine would be preferred, but i'm not too picky, just someone that likes more primal furs that live in the wild, a non-plot based story that goes day by day with a bit of action thrown in from time to time and a bit of romance to top it off. If your fursona is male and you'd like to take up on the offer i'd more than happy to do the action/adventure bits, but not so much on the romance. As far as the romance goes with a female fursona i can keep it PG or graphic, although graphic is preferred, and the violence in the actions bits i prefer to keep somewhat tame, a bit of blood here and there, but nothing overly gory like disemboweling, dismembering, etc. One last thing: I prefer to keep the overall mood of the RP happy instead of bleak, although i do toss in some dark moments from time to time, just as a change of pace.
If you're interested just send me an invite on my Skype (Krasl, or if you don't come up with any results try Krasl11), but leave me a a message with it, i get a lot of bots on my Skype and i want to make sure i'm talking to an actual person.