Hello there! I'm FizzyPaws, and you can just call me Fizzy or Voltage. I'm new here, and I was recommended by a floof on Feral Heart (and if you haven't heard of it, I suggest you check it out! It's a cool Lion King type game where you roleplay and chat with people as animal avatars!)
Some facts about me:
1. I'm a big fan of Steven Universe
2. I love dogs
3. I want to fursuit
4. I love to roleplay
5. I'm female
6. I love animals in general
7. I'm Telephonophobic (No I'm not afraid of the Angel Dragon [In fact I think she's adorable], it means I have an irrational fear of making phone calls)
8. I'm also need phobic (I don't remember what it's called), and even little butterfly blood draw needles freak me out to the point that I break down.
9. I love to draw
10. This list is long and I should stop talking
Anyways, hi!