Hello everyone! My names River! I'm a black cat
I'm 16, and I live in the U.S.
I'm very new to the furry world, and so please excuse me if I come off a bit ignorant- I joined this forum in the hopes of learning more!
I haven't finished my fursona's ref yet, but I'm nearly done- I'll definitley ask for opinions when I'm done though! I do have a quick sketch of her that I did, though, if you want to see (Still need to take it though)-
http://animalsareangels.deviantart.com/art/River-Fursona-Design-PLEASE-READ-DESCRIPTION-544128939?ga_submit_new=10%253A1436063554&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1 (This was my first time drawing anthro anything, so I know it isn't perfect
I love art, and I've been doing it now for 6 years, however I just started digital this year. Rock is my life, and I have a mile-long list of bands that I'm totally addicted to. I'm a lesbian who seems to live in a lesbianless state since I can't find a girlfriend to save my life.
I'm very open-minded, and I'm never afraid to be myself.
I love animals, I have two pet rats named Onyx and Raven, and a gerbil named Ricky.
I categorize myself as eccentric, wierd, slightly insane, and nuts. ^^
I'm a really friendly person, so feel free to talk to me!
I don't have a fursuit, and I unfortunately probably won't be able to get one in the near future- but MAYBE in two or three years, depending on what my mother says xD
I try very hard to be nice to everyone I meet, so please don't be shy! I love meeting new people. And if you have any advice for a newbie like me, please do share! See you around!