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Author Topic: Oh dear god, she's writing fanfiction  (Read 982 times)

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Oh dear god, she's writing fanfiction
« on: August 28, 2015, 11:12:17 PM »
So, yeah, I made a fanfiction profile, with which, you may have guessed, to distribute my various fanfic works and infect as many souls as possible with my wretched curse Just search Lollyfox and you should be able to find my profile. I'm kind of excited to hear what my furry comrades have to say about my writings, so don't mince words if you have any advice, praise, or soul-crushing mockeries of my formulaic plots! (Just kidding, I know you guys will be nice and beat around the bush about my formulaic plots [Or should I say...FURmulaic plots!]) Right now, I'm silmultaniosly working on...

-Corpse chronicle, a Last of us/Promethean the created crossover
-Mojave legacy, a Fallout NV/Anima crossover
-City of lights and sin, a Fallout NV/Word of darkness crossover

thanks for reading!
To heal, your scars
 I will give you everything I can
 This war, of hearts
 We will rise again and take a stand

 I can lead you to salvation
 Yet I am just a man

 I'm a loaded gun,
 An only son,
 But I'm nobody's hero
 I've come undone
 I'm on the run
 Yeah, I'm nobody's hero
 -Nobodies hero, By black veil brides

Saw the fallout 4 trailer a few days ago... SO ****ING EXCITED!!


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