I could write something putting the faith of my parents( which is what I comment on knowledgeably) in context regards that statement, again - but as a general point, consider the question of weather an entirely 'neutral' politic is either possible or desirable. Can we expect to avoid grappling with what constitutes a 'human life', with all the rights and protections thereof? Should we truly expect to be of one accord pertaining the meaning of marriage? Even the laws of a republic will be in some part determined by the sum of philosophies and personal motivations of the voting public; And so long as some minority differs from the majority on matters of import and universal scope, I fear the beliefs of some will intrude on the lives of others. It is what it is - life.
PS: Sorry for the mini-lesson in hermeneutics, but these kind of statements show up all the time in comment sections and editorials; And - meaning no offense to Paradox - it's quite frustrating. I couldn't skip an opportunity to provide a little correction! :-/
Nah man, no offense taken!
Huh, though I missed a huge breakdown of my earlier posts by... somebody! Hehe, oh well.