Just a little something I thought I might do/start. Anyone should feel free to participate in this as well, if they have answers to contribute but here's how this thread is going to work.
1. Someone asks an abstract question such as: "What is love?" or "What does sadness look like?"
2. Someone else answers it in drawing form
1. Anyone can either ask or answer, but if you are answering, you must insert a quote of the question. Just so we don't get mixed up
2. The questions MUST be open to opinion/interpretations. Any "What does 1 + 1 equal" type questions will be ignored/removed.
3. Any type of drawing is permitted. If you don't feel like putting in too much effort, a half-decent doodle or quick sketch will do. But, if you want to test yourself and go all out, be my guest.
I hope this thread doesn't end up dying, and here's an example of what it should look like, for those that don't understand:
Asker: "What does a broken heart actually look like?"