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Author Topic: Looking for a Partner in a Creative Endeavour  (Read 1374 times)

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Offline Syrubis

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Looking for a Partner in a Creative Endeavour
« on: October 14, 2015, 07:46:44 AM »
Looking for a partner in a creative endeavour. (Planning on turning this into a money maker)

(Before reading, consider how many of the following appeal to you; creating things, detailed fantasy world-building, medieval – scifi settings, writings, collaborating, editing, brainstorming, chatting, working solo and in a partnership, developing a team, sharing ideas, being open to criticism, being able to criticize)

Essentially I’m seeking a fellow writer and world-building enthusiast to assist in the creation of my new project idea. Applicants should have a high writing standard and an open-minded outlook. Friendly, light-hearted approaches are appreciated.

The rest of this thread is going to sound a little formal because it was written awhile ago when I was approaching the whole manner from a more business-ee perspective, but trust me, I'm not all that formal. I'm just keen to find a like-minded partner that I can share this project with.

As the thread title suggests the project will be a slightly less than even partnership of around 30/70 – 40/60 (to be discussed) with equal opportunities and shared earnings in the years to come. Wages will be based on content and time rather than a fixed amount, and as I will be bringing in no foreseeable income from the project for the first few months payment will be slightly lower than, say, a year into the future. By applying you must consider your availability in the months to come. If you get bored or distracted easily and predict your enthusiasm will pitter out within the first few weeks do not consider approaching me. I’m looking for commitment and reliability and I will be offering the same.

Trial periods are acceptable to give you an insight into the kinds of things we’ll be working on together, equally. (I am not your boss.) Likewise extended periods of contact before any kind of commitment is possible as I would not ask anyone to place their trust and time in a stranger.If multiple applicants meet all criteria and make the decision difficult all applicants may speak freely with each-other and come to a reasonable solution that benefits everyone.

If you’re interested in further information feel free to comment bellow, or if you’re seeking to apply please feel free to note me on FA, Furiffic, here or Skype (Vladimir.B.Crowe)

These are samples of what the project will be like.
« Last Edit: October 14, 2015, 07:52:21 AM by Syrubis »


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