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Author Topic: Hello! I am Timber the Wolf  (Read 1019 times)

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Offline Timber

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Hello! I am Timber the Wolf
« on: December 01, 2015, 08:51:19 AM »
So here's the deal mane. I want someone to draw my fursona, but alas, I cannot pay they artists for I am saving my money for Just Cause 3. So, bein as this is the season of cheer and givin, I do ask if someone could draw me my fursona. My email is [email protected] . My fursona has is a Male, he has long Blonde hair, his head and body is light blue, and his chest and stomach hair is light green. He has swim trunks, a shark tooth necklace, a puka shell necklace, and a watch on his left arm. If any of y'all can do that, then id shit bricks for days.

Offline Timber

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Re: Hello! I am Timber the Wolf
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2015, 06:22:37 AM »
I forgot to add mane, he's 21, he's really calm, kind of a stoner, really chill, surfer, and funny. Any pose is fine.


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