When I joined this site, I naturally considered that I would be interacting with at least a few people here. I was right. The problem is, I was too right. I find myself often saying "Hello" and "How are you?" to several people each day, and I get the feeling that instead of giving the impression of being a warm, sociable person, I'm just giving people the idea that I am clingy or quick to get my nose in other people's business. There's a good chance that if you are reading this, I have probably attempted to contact you in some way or another. I am not normally like this in public, and I do not want my reputation as a reasonable, respectable person to be warped by a tendency to give a greeting to every single person who I find somewhat interesting. I am legitimately trying to be friendly with people, and my concern for people in difficult times is legitimate as well, but I don't want to be imposing.
Am I too quick to contact people on this site? Am I doing everything wrong?