Hiya! My name is Shilo, and I'm new to this site. My sister showed me, and here I am!
[Please Note this IS a club] Anyways, I didn't see any threads that suited my species
, so I decided to make one for all you marsupials out there.
Here are the accepted species,- Red Pandas- Kangaroos- Kinkajous - Koalas- Lemurs And any other mammal with a pouch!
Here are the rules,- Please, don't be hurtful- Follow the TAC (Terms And Conditions)- Please, don't be an attention seeker - Respect others and mods Things you CAN do,- Hug/Kiss- Squeeble- Talk about FF (ETC) And, other things I forgot for the CANS I'm sorry, I'm a pretty lazy Red Panda
~If you are going to RP, please post more than three words, I find that slightly rude. Also, if you are RPing, talk out of RP using Brackets- '{ }' '[ ]' or Parenthesis- '( )' In RP talking is, " "~ You won't be excluded from the club for not doing, ^ the above, but I just prefer that. Feel free to PM me about anything, this thread, or not. I love talking, just chatting.Sincerely, Shilo the Blue- Red Panda