Absolutely! I have no problem with that at all.
The world was split into its six core elements: Earth, Air, Water, Fire, Darkness, and Light. I have an entire world based around each one, with two books per element scheduled. The furry world is going to be Fire, so you can look forward to that. But the first two that I'm writing are on Parsec One (Earth).
Earth is split into four Quadrants that are perpetually one of the seasons. Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall. Inside each is what's called a Sector, which is a portion of each other season (i.e. in Quadrant Four: Winter, there are three Sectors of Fall, Summer, and Spring). The Sectors vary in diameter and location. Stepping across the Border puts you directly into the weather and temperature of the new Season.
The entire series is about Ames, Aria, and Jack (Who are the team considered to be Yin) Jade, Kaalin, and Kayara (Yang) and Malachi, Centaurea, and Tonya (Shadow) going around and collecting the Heart of each Element in order to determine if the world deserves a second chance.
Now, each element represents two things. Of earth and of life. Of air and of spirit. Of water and of knowledge. Of fire and of passion. Of darkness and of courage. Of light and of truth. So I have the opposing force in each world personified as the bad guy (That would be Death, Oppression, Ignorance, Apathy, Fear, and Falsity) that tries to stop them, test them, or in Apathy's case ... dine with them (because he just doesn't care) into not retrieving the element.
They learn different things about life and the way of the world as they go, to help them with the new world that they will or will not create. Not going to tell you the ending I have for that.
On Earth, there are the Guardians of the Seasons they have to contend with as well as Death. Sino Mein (Winter), Jakol Intarn (Fall), Sahn Kessle (Summer) and Pantod Eig (Spring). Then there's the Core Guardian, and solving the planet. When I say solving, every Parsec ends up being an enormous world-sized puzzle. Not telling what it is! But I think it's not something people would expect.
A lot more detail to give about every creature and race on the planet, the mounts, the random animals you meet, etc. But I DO want you to read it. Hope this intrigues and helps some people with being confused. Oh, so that people will understand my species I will explain this.
The wolven are in every Quadrant, but they vary. In Winter, you have Wher Wolven that can turn invisible because of their fur and their environment. It's not just camouflage, it's complete invisibility. In Fall, there are the Night Wolven that can vanish in a puff of smoke and reappear anywhere. Behind you, above you, to your side. Then just as quickly vanish again - but only at night. That's why they're nocturnal. In Summer there are the Core Wolven. They have scooped paws that they can use to dig under the sands of the desert and move in packs; picture an anthill on a wolf scale, with far fewer of them. In Spring, the Doma Wolven. They've adapted their defense mechanism to be the humans that live there, and so make themselves more attractive by having swathes of bright colors that they can change based on the need.
Hence the black fur (Night wolven), white patches (Wher wolven), red rune tattoos (Core wolven) and the bright patches of color that change (Doma wolven).
Anyway! Hope this helps everyone! *kisses to all*