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Author Topic: Hunter's Tale [OOC, Monster List, Plant List, Map]  (Read 2002 times)

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Hunter's Tale [OOC, Monster List, Plant List, Map]
« on: July 12, 2016, 03:53:11 AM »
This is the OOC chat. The list of Monsters is located here along with the plants and map. Currently I am making the Monster List and Plant List along with the map.  (Map is being made)

Plant Book

Hello Hunter! You've purchased this book because you want to know the various plants that are around these parts. Now read on and learn!

Harkerberry: Location-Plains, Forest. Bio-A common berry that's sweet to eat. Used in various pastries and pies.
Findelberry: Location-Plains. Bio-Extremely poisonous berry. Do not eat.
Buraburaberry: Location-Desert, Plains. Bio-A rather rare berry, taste very sour but is used in various ales.
Findelherb: Location-Plains, Forest. Bio-A common flower that's used for medicinal purposes.
Zaran: Location-Tundra, Ice Moutains. Bio-A flower found in cold area's, used for bait in hunting
Danderbin: Location-Volcanic. Bio-A herb found in extremely hot places on contact with the skin it will burn and give rashes.
Anthraberry: Location-Swamp, Plains, Forest. Bio-A common berry, main ingredient in various makeups
Blue Fungus: Location-Swamp. Bio-Common fungus found in swamps. Used for bait
Ratiken: Location-Swamp, Forest. Bio-Rare mushroom, very poisonous if consumed. But can be used for tranquilizers for larger monsters.
(More plants to come.)

Monster Book

Spoiler for Hidden:

This book will be constantly updated with new monsters. Hello hunter! I see you just got your first handbook of Monster Hunting, this handbook is your friend and you must never lose it. You only get one... Anyways! Below will be a variety of monsters you will encounter and fight!

Boarein: Location-Plains, Forest. Bio-Large Boar standing at 7 feet on all fours, common animal it's hide and fur is used for clothing. Plants-Harkerberry. Spoils-Fur, Hide, Rough Skin, Meat

Darak: Location-Forest, Desert. Bio-Large wolf like creature standing at 6 feet on all fours, common animal, it's fur is used for jackets and blankets. Plants-Findelherb. Spoils-Fur, Darak teeth, Meat.

Havirous: Location-Desert, Swamp, Plains. Bio-Large reptilian creature, standing at 23 feet, it's extremely dangerous and should be proceeded with caution. Plants-Burburaberry Blue Fungus. Spoils-Hard scales, Havirous Skin, Havirous Feathers.

Womba: Location-Tundra, Ice Moutains. Bio-Large ape like creature, standing at 16 feet. Ravenous and dangerous proceed with caution. Plants-Zaran. Spoils-White Fur, Womba Skin, Womba Teeth, Womba Tusk

Rathio: Location-Sea. Bio-Large snake like beast, very dangerous. Plants-None Spoils-Rathio Skin, Rathio Scales.

Hawker: Location-Plains, Forest, Desert. Bio-Large bird that has a wingspan of 10 feet and stands at 16 feet. Plants-Burburaberry, Zaran, Findelberry. Spoils-Hawker Feathers, Hawker Skin, Hawker Rainbow Feather, Hawker Beak

« Last Edit: July 12, 2016, 04:41:57 AM by MetalGearStowe »


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