Hey, i'm just looking for someone to RP with, anyone will do, but I am a bit picky with my RP environments.
I prefer medieval era RPs and I love action and magic, although i'm not a big fan of overly gory scenes (a little blood and a few cuts is okay, but no de-limbing/torture/decapitations/etc.). As for romance I'm only looking for female-male relationships, so if your fursona is male i'd prefer just to keep it about action and adventure. I normally do a strange action meets slice-of-life type rp, but if you would like something plot oriented I would love to bounce some ideas off of you and make something awesome! Anyway, with all of that out of the way, I prefer to RP over skype, but if you're interested and unable to use skype just PM me and i'm sure we could find another means of communication.