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Author Topic: Lost Galaxy RP  (Read 1312 times)

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Offline YarkarioLu

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Lost Galaxy RP
« on: August 30, 2016, 03:26:17 PM »[/size] [/color][/size]The Lost Galaxy.This was something started between Me as Frevfare Zulu in the Bleur Nebel, Fata Morgana from CAF, Tancred Magnussen now T.K.G., and Tarquin Lightfoot also from CAF? Since 2004.Basically it is a Sci fi / Fantasy setting, that can be played at large or small scales. Meaning just as your characture OC, or a faction you designed from the ground up.The current setting is this.You either were on a convoy from your homeworld, headed for some far off frontier world to be part of the new territory, when a violent anomaly sweeps across your region before you get there. Flinging you across time and space to be ejected heavily damaged into the Lost Galaxy. Or a native race just now taking their first steps into space, unaware of the violent past of the galaxy, or what dangers await you as you explore. The more you explore and expand, the more clues you unearth. Hints all across the regions, of a time before even your homelands existed. ALONE, isolated, with no chance of ever returning to your galaxy, if you were part of the convoy scenario. You must now steak out your land, make friends, or war, and race against time to figure out what all the ruins you run across mean, or be tricked into repeating the past like puppets on a stage.[/size]RP between members is encouraged, for you faction controllers, and we are in need of another admin as well. Eventually.It can be quite fun, and designing factions is not that hard, specially when the starter art pack and more tutorials are made.    :*


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