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Author Topic: Dark souls 3 pvp  (Read 1200 times)

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Offline Lord Isscarus

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Dark souls 3 pvp
« on: June 13, 2017, 03:05:27 PM »
I'm **censor** done, I'm tired of fighting mages that run if you get close to them, but can one shot you if you get hit by any of their spells, I'm tired of pussies who just run away even in a balanced 1v1, I'm tired of people r1 spamming or weapon art spamming with meta weapons, it's just too **censor** cancerous for me, it's even worse when you have 3+ Aldrich faithful gank you in your world when you don't even want to PvP,  I'm tired of all this crap, I'm probably the only player who doesn't spam and isn't a scummy any way, it's very sad seeing how the only way to PvP properly is by using big weapons or spamming a single button, It really pisses me off.

I just came here to vent.
"I am a God,  I have destroyed planets, solar systems, even galaxies, my immense power grows from my will to protect those who need protecting, my name is Lord Isscarus, and this is my faithful wife, Axamia, nice to meet you.


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