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Author Topic: Looking for 1x1  (Read 1493 times)

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Offline smallbrownwolf

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Looking for 1x1
« on: October 05, 2016, 02:56:29 AM »
First off, just want to clarify that I'm brand new here, and unsure if I put this in the right section. It might fit better in serious RP, I don't know...
Edit: Already been moved, hah. Not sure why, but at least this is hopefully in the right place now.
Edit again: After reading the info thingy, looks like I'll have to make a new thread, since I'm not actually allowed to RP in this board..? Which is whatever, will just have to copy paste all of this once I find someone willing.


Just looking for a simple, long term anthro RP. I don't mind what level of RP you're at, as long as you actually provide something to reply to.

--I'm open for other 1x1s too, animals, other anthros [this one has a specific character], humans [not preferred, and I may drop the RP quickly]. I'm willing to try most themes, but I'm not well versed in many. If you would like to RP something other than the plot, topic, and theme on this thread, just shoot me a PM on here.

The Character:
Bit Melten
Young adult [around 25]
Anthro ferret
Lives in a small town, in an apartment
Mostly laid back, but can become temperamental when under stress

The Plot:
"Feel Good"
Bit Melten, a young adult anthro ferret, became a single father at a young age, when the mother of the kits died shortly after childbirth. He fought to keep his kits not long after the loss of their mother, and having rightfully kept custody, settled down with them in the same small apartment he's always had. Life with two young kits, only five years of age, is stressful and difficult, not to mention *expensive*.
One day, while out at the playground with his children, Bit meets [your OC here]. The two hit it off, and begin talking, becoming quite close and involved in each other's lives.

Other Notes:
-The relationship between the two can either be romantic or just friendship. Your character is preferred to also be a parent. Your character may be [happily, indifferently, or unhappily]: single, in a relationship, or married.
-Plot by me [which is why it sucks lol]. I feel bad for giving Bit such a sucky life, and I really want to do a light hearted and happy plot with him. I'm all for things getting dark later on, with themes such as breakups, losing a loved one, losing a home, etc. But I would like it to start happy. :]
-I'm really only wanting to do something long term with this, so please be willing to do so as well.

Thanks for looking. :]
« Last Edit: October 05, 2016, 03:10:30 AM by smallbrownwolf »


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