I'm not sure what board this belongs in, but I'm putting it here, dammit. I'm sure the forum gods will move it if I'm wrong.
Ladies and Gentlefurs, I present to you: Discord! It's a voice chat program like Skype or Teamspeak. It's completely free and has wonderful quality, so much so that I feel dirty when I go to talk to anybody on Skype.
In addition to it being an amazing voice chat program, it also serves as a text chat program like IIRC and as an instant message program. It's also completely developer friendly. I've got a bot program up and running on it so I can listen to music on my servers.
And the best part: you don't even have to download it. It can be used through your browser on their main website.
If the Admin(s) felt so inclined, they could set up a server for the forums that everybody could go to to chat, and only people who have been invited could join.
I look forward to talking to all of you