Hello Ventus Fall.
Me being a white mage is partially an inside joke among friends. The short answer is that I'm a pacifist. So whenever my friends did rpg playthroughs they'd name any healing classes after me. Over time though it really caught on with me, and when I draw myself in a fantasy setting, set-up, whateva, I draw myself as a healer of some sort. Also, characters with healing magic in games are usually the most helpful, endearing, and morally sound of the whole cast. I'm therefore happy to adopt a title with such positive connotations. I only hope those attributes are applicable to me!
I tend to sympathize with monsters in fiction more then their human counterparts. Its hard to explain "why" that is without a long back story. But as for Grendel him self, I believe that Grendel was a pivotal monster of yore in many respects. Quite easily the most important monster of early English culture. Yet, many people tend to over look the cultural significance of the epic
Beowulf in favor of other facets of mythology. Outside of the well read, and collage educated, (or freaks like me) there is little audience left for Beowulf. So in some respects my original intentions when creating my Grendel head cannon was to make a dead character relevant again.
Another appeal too Grendel is that he is very much a blank slate. In researching him there were few physical descriptors tied to the monster. Meaning I could do pretty much anything I wanted with the character, and not feel like I wasn't staying true to the source martial. Comparing that to the hero Beowulf, who was absolutely cut and dry in terms of personality, and physical traits. It was pretty clear that I'd enjoy building an interpretation of Grendel much more.
DO forum games go in the rp section?
At some point I'd probably like to host a large forum game called mafia/warewolf if its allowed.