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Author Topic: Salutations  (Read 912 times)

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Offline White Mage

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« on: November 11, 2016, 09:34:30 PM »
Hello, I'm the most useful Final Fantasy class: The White Mage.

I've been interested in the furry fandom for a long time. Unfortunately though I've always been reluctant to jump right in because I've never been good about creating "personas" of any sort. This is an issue since it appears that a common prerequisite seems to be having a "fursona" around here. This isn't to say though, that I'm strapped for characters. Its more that I can't picture myself as any of the characters I've made. Hopefully that makes... sense?

If I had to pick a character as an outlet to express myself, I'd probably go with my heavily reimagined interpretation of the monster "Grendel". I've very engrossed with the monster, and I'd love to have an opportunity to talk about him with somebody.

Anyways, I look forward to meeting you all!  :)
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But I'm still alive... I'm the soldier of love


Offline Ventus Fall

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Re: Salutations
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2016, 03:18:52 PM »
Welcome to the forums, White Made x)

You really don't need a fursona if you don't want to. If you do, then by all means, we have topics addressing how you can create your own character.
But I understand what you mean. Regardless, you've -as I can make out- chosen for a White Mage from the Final Fantasy universe to represent yourself. Why is that? Any special reasons? :)

Feel free to talk about Grendel! Like, why are you so interested in the monster?

Take care!
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Offline White Mage

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Re: Salutations
« Reply #2 on: November 13, 2016, 08:41:39 PM »
Hello Ventus Fall.

Me being a white mage is partially an inside joke among friends. The short answer is that I'm a pacifist. So whenever my friends did rpg playthroughs they'd name any healing classes after me.  Over time though it really caught on with me, and when I draw myself in a fantasy setting, set-up, whateva, I draw myself as a healer of some sort. Also, characters with healing magic in games are usually the most helpful, endearing, and morally sound of the whole cast. I'm therefore happy to adopt a title with such positive connotations. I only hope those attributes are applicable to me!  XD

I tend to sympathize with monsters in fiction more then their human counterparts. Its hard to explain "why" that is without a long back story. But as for Grendel him self, I believe that Grendel was a pivotal monster of yore in many respects. Quite easily the most important monster of early English culture. Yet, many people tend to over look the cultural significance of the epic Beowulf in favor of other facets of mythology. Outside of the well read, and collage educated, (or freaks like me) there is little audience left for Beowulf. So in some respects my original intentions when creating my Grendel head cannon was to make a dead character relevant again.

Another appeal too Grendel is that he is very much a blank slate. In researching him there were few physical descriptors tied to the monster. Meaning I could do pretty much anything I wanted with the character, and not feel like I wasn't staying true to the source martial. Comparing that to the hero Beowulf, who was absolutely cut and dry in terms of personality, and physical traits. It was pretty clear that I'd enjoy building an interpretation of Grendel much more.

DO forum games go in the rp section?

At some point I'd probably like to host a large forum game called mafia/warewolf if its allowed. 
I'm at the borderline of my faith,
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Offline Ventus Fall

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Re: Salutations
« Reply #3 on: November 15, 2016, 08:01:02 PM »
That was quite an interesting read, and it makes sense how the White Mage suits you so well :)
I actually read Beowulf for my English literature list when in high school ;D  So I can understand the part about the story, as well as Grendel, being overlooked.
I find building up a character from interpretation is one of the most fun things to do myself as well x3

As to answer your question: Nope, Forum Games is different from the RP section. Roleplaying is purely for the RP boards, Forum Games are things like 'Counting up until 1,000,000' or other random fun silly games that don't fall under roleplaying necessarily.
If you aren't sure if what you have as an idea what it should fall under (Forum Games or RP), feel free to message any of the moderators.
Hope that makes things a bit clearer?

You happen to mean something similar to... uhm *tries to remember, looks it up instead on interwebs* that game Town of Salem?
Or 'Find the Werewolf' cardgame?
It's allowed to do such a thing :) As long as it follows the rules of the forums and the board it is placed in. (Such as no extreme violence and no graphic details (blood/gore), etc.)

Any more questions? ^-^
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Re: Salutations
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2016, 09:38:53 PM »
Hi White Mage welcome to the forum and have fun  ^_^ .
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Offline White Mage

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Re: Salutations
« Reply #5 on: November 16, 2016, 01:46:23 AM »
Thank you for explaining about forum games. I will be sure to keep that in mind.

Yes, Town of Salem the same game as Mafia/Werewolf. There is some distinction in the set up complexities, the speed at which the game is played, and the demographic that plays it. Its generally accepted in mafia communities that Salem is directed towards a more casual audience. Not that that's a bad thing. I use the terms mafia and werewolf interchangeably as the two have no differences with the exception of the game's flavor. But yeah, Mafia is both those games.

Don't worry, I tend to keep any fictional narratives I do "PG".

I think that's all my questions. Thanks again for your help!


Hello Slim, pleasure meeting you too.  :D
I'm at the borderline of my faith,
I'm at the hinterland of my devotion
In the front line of this battle of mine
But I'm still alive... I'm the soldier of love



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