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Author Topic: The Search for a RP Friend!  (Read 1409 times)

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Offline LadyAsriel

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The Search for a RP Friend!
« on: December 17, 2016, 01:41:02 AM »
Hello everyone! As promised, this is where I will put ny interests in roleplaying and all that stuff. I'm first gunna start off with the boring stuff (*yawns)

*I strictly play female characters
*I can do either FxF or MxF pairing I don't mind either.
*If you play with me, please know that I do get extremely busy! On top of being a college student, I work 2 jobs as well. I promise I will get back to our writing asap
*Please DO NOT bug me about replying. Once or twice is fine if it isn't in a few days, but everyday is extremely unnecessary and not wanted.
*I do expect to have my rp's be a few paragraphs long. I don't like people who one line me and leave me to do all the writing and description
*I am VERY approachable. If you have an idea or want to contribute something in our rp, please tell me! I love people contributing to ideas!

Ok you made it this far! ONTO THE FUN STUFF!


*Pairings (just a few. I can do basically anything. These are just the bones I thought of on the fly)
-Bad girl(boy)x Good girl(boy)


Love Conquers Hate

In this world, furries have become a reality after some freak accident, creating an actual humanoid animal. Instead of people just dressing up as them, they had become the real deal. But now that they exist and do things human can do, if not more, humans have become jealous and have segregated themselves from the humanoid animals. Separate bathrooms, water fountains, schools, you name it. The only place that is not segregated is the colleges and work place. So furries still have to deal with the hate everywhere they go. Until (My Character), a shy and timid Lynx, comes across (Your Character). YC is a strong independent being, with a strong will for equality. Despite always being put down, YC never fails, leading many protests and rallies for Furry Equality. (Yes, they do fall in love eventually).

I'll update when more ideas come to me! So yay! You made it! Now of you want to play with me, throw me a pm or comment below! I look forward to speaking to everyone who wants to play!


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« Last Edit: December 17, 2016, 01:55:15 AM by LadyAsriel, Reason: Please keep content PG-13. »

Offline SpaceHippie

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Re: The Search for a RP Friend!
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2016, 12:02:46 AM »
Hey there! I’m new to this website so if my profile looks barren I just haven't updated it since posting this. I used to be a very avid RPer a couple of years back, my longest lasting 1 on 1 rp lasting about 7-8 months, but I've been in a sort of relapse for the past little bit, mainly due a very exhausting summer job, heavy course load this year, and the fact that it’s hard to find furry RPers :P I would very much like to get back into RPing however. I typically like to write long detailed posts and I am fully capable of writing at novel quality when I'm invested in a story, but don’t worry I am fully capable and willing to tone it down if you ever feel overwhelmed. I like to be completely open to ideas and requests, and I enjoy OOC chat very much, be it for character and plot discussion, or even just normal non-rp stuff. (no rules against having friends!)
I found your world idea to be very interesting and full of potential to be a great RP! it even gave me a great idea for a character, speaking of which I typically play males, do MxF pairings, and my characters tend to have arcs. I was thinking of having my character start out as some sort of internally struggling delinquent/dropout/stoner who has resigned themselves to believing nothing will change, and that all his problems are the fault of others, and eventually becoming what you described in your post; a strong, independent, willful activist through some sort of epiphany (maybe caused by the influence of another character?) I’m basically just writing whatever comes to mind at this point, so if you’re interested, shoot me a pm and we can start talking!


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