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Author Topic: Attention: #Roleplay at IRC  (Read 1580 times)

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Offline Kr0n

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Attention: #Roleplay at IRC
« on: December 28, 2016, 12:06:00 PM »
I'd like to offer an idea.

I'm currently live chatting with furries and scalies from all over the world, through Google Hangouts. A while back, I was talking to a friend that sadly there are so few people on Google Plus and Hangouts who play correctly, and, in the middle of the discussion, he said:

"Yes, teacher." (Then he did an action, private, sorry.)

From then on, I started to gather furries and scaliles (and some humans too) into two group chats, one for the adults (with the subsequent smexy chat) and other for PG. On the PG room there are people over and under the age of 18, and in the adult chat only people that are 18 or older.

So, basically, that's my idea. I offer to teach here too, since I have over 20 years of constant roleplay on my back. (I'm 37)

Offline Kr0n

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Re: Attention: #Roleplay at IRC
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2016, 05:02:52 AM »
Hello, folks.

I'm Kron, a water dragon. Those who know me know that I am a roleplay teacher, since I also teach at Google Hangouts and now IRC how to roleplay in any of the modes listed.

Snapchat: As in the Google Hangouts, I teach by showing people pictures and drawings.

Fun/free mode: This mode is simply normal talk, without the /me command

Serious mode: When two or more good roleplayers do extensive posts, and of good quality, the room should be quiet, letting them roleplay.


1: Anyone is entitled to join the conversation, unless it is Serious Mode. This means that when folks are not roleplaying, any one can talk freely, unless they break rule 2.

2: Operators won't tolerate disrespect of any kind towards any one. This means, but it is not limited to, putting down someone by their roleplay, or racial insults, or bad language.

3: Adult roleplay and language is forbidden in public. This means that, if you want to discuss something adult related, take it to private.

Staff Needed:

We need at least two ops, with a bit of experience on managing IRC Chats. Tweak is the NetAdmin, so, in case the ops or myself are away, you can contact him at #furry_forum_chat

This will be edited as needed. Have fun, folks!


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