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Author Topic: Seeking a 3-Way Vehicle/Mount based anthro RP  (Read 1293 times)

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Offline BennyJackdaw

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Seeking a 3-Way Vehicle/Mount based anthro RP
« on: May 04, 2017, 10:03:41 PM »
My dad's been watching this really stupid anime about humans in an intergalactic racing competition. I really like seeing some of the alien ships (admittedly, even the human ship is kind of cool), but I do NOT like the fact it's just another show about humans proving their dominance over all other life. Too many shows about "Humans have to save the earth/be the best in the galaxy" and I'd rather see the show about humans and non-humans working together (Or better yet, the one without humans at all).

Still... I did like seeing some of the ships, and seeing all these ideas for vehicles. It made me start thinking of all these cool ideas for ships and vehicles. Then I got the idea of maybe make an RP involving all these amazing vehicle designs. Why not add some versatility to the challenges too like have racing challenges, team challenges, sports challenges, etc. And what if it was an anthro RP? And what if each type of animal had its own kingdom and vehicle? Basically, I want an RP like this between three people. We could each have our own protagonist, while also playing side characters and antagonists during solo challenges. That's an RP I am looking for right now. I also have my own characters thought up.

Also, the vehicles can be almost anything. Machines, mounts, cars, powersuits. One of my planned characters rides a giant metal animal that's slow and seen as an underdog due to its excessive size and slow speed, but has plenty of versatile features that help it make up for it's lack of speed and great size, including a handy suction hose whip that allows it to easily grab onto giant soccer-spheres and whip them into goalposts, assuming it can get to the ball. I'm kind of a "big-guy" sympathizer and an RP like this would a perfect scenario for a big slow underdog protagonist. One of my antagonistic characters is a cheetah that wears a suit which turns him into a high-powered quadrupedal cheetah, capable of running fast, jumping high, and even running on water, but with great speed he doesn't have a lot of the versatility that the giant metal animal has. He can become momentarily bipedal, however, which allows him to make quick, unpredictable movements in a soccer event.

First comes a showcase round where characters show off their abilities in many tests. Then the characters form teams of three where they go through somewhat Olympic events with their choice of ride. Some will be solo, some will be verses other teams, others will be together as a team. That's kind of the idea I'm going for.


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