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Author Topic: Dragonball Xenoverse 2  (Read 1167 times)

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Dragonball Xenoverse 2
« on: May 14, 2017, 07:51:59 AM »
Any really good\powerful strike supers and ki supers? I'm personally loving Bardocks moves, Tyrant lancer is godly in ending combos and closing distance attacks while rebellion spear is a great wake up attack after a combo, burst kamehameha is great for stopping enemies in their attacks and it also ends combos pretty nicely.

I just want some  for combos and ki blast supers, any suggestions of some nice ki blast supers or combos?
"I am a God,  I have destroyed planets, solar systems, even galaxies, my immense power grows from my will to protect those who need protecting, my name is Lord Isscarus, and this is my faithful wife, Axamia, nice to meet you.

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Re: Question for Dragonball Xenoverse 2
« Reply #1 on: May 22, 2017, 06:08:20 PM »
I'm still pretty new to the game (lvl 18) but I've found some useful supers. Destructo Disk doesn't do much damage but it has a cool bonus in that it's a slow moving attack and homes in AND breaks guard. So you do a destructo disk, go in with punching and if they dodge/block your punch the disk will hit them. I've also found the Tien's tri beam to be good quick super mid-combo and found Evil explosion to do a surprising amount of damage given that it's such an early power you get.

  For ultimates I found that Split Kamehameha is really good when fighting close up, it's pretty useless from a distance cause they usually dodge it but if they're punching you or closing in then doing ultimate can do a ridiculous amount of damage.
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Offline Lord Isscarus

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Dragonball Xenoverse 2
« Reply #2 on: May 25, 2017, 02:05:48 AM »
Jesus Christ God breaker is overpowered, yeah sure ki blasts will hit through it but literally every single strike attack, supers, ultimates even freaking THROWS will get countered, it does over 2000 damage, and also sends them flying giving you time to charge your ki, use a capsule, device your teammate, ect.

When I first got God breaker it literally made the whole game easy mode, the only thing that gets though God breaker is ki supers and evasives, besides that it negates everything else. At least in pve.

I thought that God breaker would just block their attack and stun them, not take a huge chunk of their health and blow them away, seriously, if you ever fight an aggressive AI or player, God breaker will send them to hell, it's massively overpowered.

But honestly, I'm fine with it, because now all the hard part of xenoverse aren't so frustrating.

What do you guys think of God breaker, negates all strike attacks, including supers and throws, does huge damage, knocks them away from you, and best of all, it looks badass, it's awesome, overpowered, but definitely awesome. What are your thoughts?

Post Merge: May 25, 2017, 02:08:00 AM
For anyone that wants god breaker, do PQ 44, try to get an ultimate finish to raise your chances of getting it.
« Last Edit: May 25, 2017, 02:08:00 AM by Lord Isscarus, Reason: Merged DoublePost »
"I am a God,  I have destroyed planets, solar systems, even galaxies, my immense power grows from my will to protect those who need protecting, my name is Lord Isscarus, and this is my faithful wife, Axamia, nice to meet you.


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