I wonder if I have to clarify something.
I... don't want people to think that what I'm doing with this project is trying to get people to be fat. I don't think being a fatfur fan means the desire to be fat or the desire to make other people fat, but for me it's merely an interest in fantasy characters who happen to be big and chunky. I know I certainly do not want to be fat in real life, but in a fantasy world I can rewrite the rules as well as use fantasy rules already established, such as them being able to soak up physical damage like punches and swords and even bullets. And yet something about them I find not only cool but kinda cute as well. That's what it's about to me: it's not about advertising fatness, it's about their fantasy role as cute, huggable damage sponges. That, in a nutshell, is what I like about them.
(...Yet I find it odd that a lot of fat Pokemon, while they have really high special defense, have very poor physical defense, with Chansey and Snorlax immediately coming to mind.)