hello dears, worried kitty here with a need to write, thank you for understanding
"The contract won't be renewed, you have two weeks."
i got on my feet and found some good, cheap places but they were always a "maybe" I guess with good reason "too far away from work" was the most common, even though it was in the same area we currently lived. My room-mate found a student apartment and I agreed to move there.
the past six months or so have been really good, it's best friends under the same roof after all. Last week she won the bid on an apartment all of her own, that she wants to move in by herself. That's great and I am very happy for her. I do have to find someone new to share with and she hasn't lived here long enough to write the contract over to me, so it is either be kicked out our live here illegally with whoever I can find.
she's my best friend and i feel... well i'm not even sure. I feel angry that we moved here mostly on her terms and now, how it goes for me be damned, but I agreed to it. We've talked and she's said that she will keep a look-out for roomies and stay on the contract but to be honest those are a big "maybe" and "we'll see".
"we moved here mostly on your terms", the air got very tense, i couldn't speak more i felt sick. No, i thought, I agreed to it, it isn't right to point fingers after the fact. I changed the subject. I think I need to work my feelings out elsewhere before talking to her, blunt the edge of my words. I don't want to -be- angry at her, I just want her to know my perspective. I feel that is the right thing to do. That's what I want to do.
At least I have more than two weeks this time.
and I need a hug