She's got tons of interests similar to mine and stuff.
Plus an otherwise similar personality to me and stuff.
And she's adorable and stuff.
So I had to marry her and stuff.
I even started a small slime ranch operation for her and stuff.
And filled the whole farm with pumpkins.
And added tons of amethyst gem makers.
She will always be the best wife/dragon-wife.
I love this game so much.
One thing I really love with the marriage/relationship system is that when she confessed, she wasn't just playersexual like how for example Skyrim-marriage works.
She mentioned being unsure "about having feelings for another woman", and apparently many (but not all) other characters do this too if they're the same gender as you.
It makes all the characters feel so much more real and alive and like more thought was put into it<3
Dang, now I want to start playing again.. >->