Hey everyone.
I'm a bit timid about and VERY new to all of this, so if I sound stupid, just bear with me. =s
I'll just start from the top, I suppose. My name is Tylus Caraeyn Esti. I'm 18, and I love video games, performing anything from piano to martial arts anywhere I possibly can, collecting Oriental stuff, and drawing (wolves, mostly

). Umm... what else... This is the first forum I've ever joined before, and I have no idea what to do or expect, hence the timidity. About three days ago, I was goofing around on Wikipedia, and I stumbled across the page on the Furry Fandom. I had never realized that such a thing existed, and only now have I realized that I've been a Furry for over 10 years! Ever since I first watched Walt Disney's Robin Hood, I've loved basically everything to do with the whole concept. (Just imagine how glad I am to find that there's an entire community exactly like me!

Well, I think that about covers it... If you have any comments, or maybe some advice on my forum etiquette, just let me know!
See ya around!