Welcome to tFF~We have Random, Games, Roll Play, More Roll Play, More Games, Arts, well, basically lots of stuff.
By Joining these forums you agree to be placed in our live events,
(forums). The road tends to get bumpy.
(just thought id let you know)Please be advised you may find some of FurryLAE's Posts either
Random , or on rare cases '
Here at the Aperture Labs. We want to ensure the best of ones experience while browsing any kinds of forums.
To do this, we forfeit our own members as test subjects in these areas to better serve our future.
World a bit over populated you think? Well, we can fix that.
Upon entering the forum, Please disposit one Hooman into the Aperture Science Incinerator.
You're Contribution is greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Crossing over onto unwanted territory, or Failing to Play along with these crazy rules, may lead to an unsatisfactory mark on your reputation,
Followed by death.
Please refrain from posting,
Single worded posts,
foul language,
Yiff (rats...),
or anything else you may think is completely not forum appropriate.By reading this Post, you here by agree to my terms of randomness and will not be offended by anything i may throw out or leak.
Thank you for participating in our Aperture Science Furry Forums.
Good Bye!