Hello. :peace: What can I say, I couldn't find an avitar that reflects the outer me so I chose one to reflect the inner. I have spent most of my life as a lone wolf and when not alone i am very pack orientated. I have always felt most comfortable in nature which is strange because I have spent most of my life in technology. I hold a degree in Math and used to work as a design engineer for analog, servo-mechanical, and radio propogation projects until I went obsolete, and now I spend more time at the computer than out in the woods. I did go crazy for a few years and hitch-hiked cross country 3 times taking up residence in national parks and parts of the Apalacian trail until they ran me off, but I'm better now. I was born and raised in Apalacian Kentucky (eastern Harlan County) on a farm and later a coal mine (same location, farm was dug up and carted away) which started out in the woods before Peabody came. Served in the US Navy for a few years, went back to University of Kentucky, and went to work in the defence industry. All the while I had been, until lately, active in various environmental movement activities, finally got discouraged and came down from that soapbox. I am a practicing Animist (just can't seem to get it right yet, but I'll keep practicing) and have a wiccan past. I am part Tslagi (Cherokee) and my great Aunt and Uncle filled my head with a lot of lore from that side of the family. Still hard to keep me from Pow Wows and 49er songs. I also worked a bit in a King's carney while I was crazy.
Well that's more than anyone will ever want to know about me :yeah-yeah:, right down to the fir. ???