Name: Shane Kurasaki
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Species: Half Human, Half Fur
Ht (Inches): 71 inches (5'11)
Wt (Pounds): 99 pounds
Personally or Emotions: Usually doesn't takes things seriously, but secretly figures out a plan in distress while all his other friends are fretting about it.
Hobbys: YoYo, drawing, writing songs, mixing songs, listening to the headphones he always has on his head.
What He/She Looks Like : (Fur areas are paws, ears on head, tail and, when shoes off, feet.) Snow white fur. Grey headphones, greyish black short sleeved jacket, red long sleeved shirt, green baggy cargo pants. White eyes (blind).
Their Thing or Signature: His unnaturally coloured red hair.
Type of Clothing: *see "What He/she Looks Like"*
Job and/or Grade: Grade - 11th
Build (Muscles) - Slim but strong.
I'll update it more later. I gotta go to school.