Ok Guys this is my second attempt of writing a Horror story. This actually came to me in a dream and I’m going to write it out in full detail so I hope you all enjoy it all, even though it might be short it depends if I get any other future ideas for it since I’ve been in the writing type of mood ^w^.
Chapter 1: The Beginning
As Kris and I laid in bed cuddling each other watching TV the news came on with a emergency broadcast.
“This is an urgent update, Through out the city of Spokane, there has been a Viral outbreak of a virus that is turning those that were once part of the living to those of the undead, this is a caution to all of those who get this message Board up your windows and lock your doors, get your kids inside and hope for the best, and do not go outside, I repeat do not go outsi....â€Â
The TV was cut off, I looked at Kris who gave me a worried look, and I smiled and kissed him.
“It’s ok, I won’t let nothing ever happen to you Kris, I’m going to see if Nana and Lily are ok wait here for me and don’t leave the room.â€Â
I went into the garage and went into the house, I heard something fall and break in the living room, I walked slowly into the kitchen holding a steel baseball bat that I picked up along the way in the garage. As I entered the kitchen I looked around and heard someone screaming in the living room. I froze up and didn’t move at the site I seen. (This is going to be a bit graphic for the minors) I seen my little sister dead on the ground getting ate by two zombies and my grandmother getting ate alive. Her eyes were full of pain and fear, she creamed at me to get out which helped me get out of my fear induced trace, I grabbed the car keys and seen one of the zombies that was eating my sister get up and run for me, I swung the bat with all my might and delivered a blow to the neck crippling the zombie, I looked at my grandmother and let out a soft cry as a zombie went down biting out her throat. I ran to the garage and slammed the door locking it in the process, they started to pound on the door, I panicked and moved the fridge in the way of the door so they couldn’t get through. I walked back into the room horrified.
“Kit! What happened!†Kris said as he ran to me giving me a hug, Kris looked down and seen the bat, “Kit... are you ok where is your grandmother and lily?â€Â
I sat down on my bed and started to cry “they’re.... *Sob* dead... I was to late to save them... the look in her eyes... it was... just horrible†I said as Kris held me as I started to cry.
After the banging at the door stopped I fell dead quiet listening for any noise in the entire house. I could hear moaning through the ventilation shafts in the house, I looked back at Kris.
“Get your things together and help me get the Van ready we’re leaving...â€Â
“But Kit... the man on the news said to stay inside...†Kris said with a worried look in his eyes.
“I don’t care Kris, We are not going to die here... not like them...â€Â
“Kris... just do it... I don’t want to lose you like I lost them...â€Â
Kris started to pack his stuff as well as mine as I fitted the van up with some fence and chicken wire on the windows. I started to pull food out of the fridge and put it in a cooler with ice from the freezer.
“You done Kris?â€Â
I kissed Kris as he got into the passenger side of the van as I packed up the van. I heard a window break somewhere from inside the house and heard running, I quickly threw the rest of the stuff in the van and got in as the zombies broke through the door.
“OH %*&$†I yelled as I floored the van in reverse going through the automatic garage door.
I drove as Kris put his seatbelt on as well as mine.
“Thanks love now lets get the hell out of hereâ€Â
We drove for about twenty minutes hitting some zombies on the way. I lit up a cigarette and opened the window a bit.
“Sorry Kris I know how much you hate cigarette smoke but...â€Â
“It’s ok Kit I think what you’ve seen and been through you deserve itâ€Â
Kris smiled and placed his hand upon mine, I smiled and continued to drive while smoking.
“Wait, I wonder...â€Â
I looked back and seen that I had enough room in the van for eight more people. (Yes my grandmother’s van is that big quite literally)
“Kris I want to see if my friends are still alive ok...â€Â
Kris gave me a happy look “That’s ok dear... they should be happy to have a friend like you...†he said as I spit the cigarette out the window and gave him a kiss.
Another ten minutes later we were at my friends house, me and Kris looked around from inside the van and didn’t see no zombies, I parked the van right next to the front door and opened the side door pulling out my grandmother’s shotgun (No I wish she owned one now

) I knocked on the front door as Kris kept a look out. There was no answer.
The end till I can continue it in business