Ok, this is just a massive massive rant. Most people get annoyed when i go on about this.
What happened? What happened to journalistic duty, to a fair and unbiased approach? What happened to displaying the facts?
I know american media gets this pointed at them a lot but I do think that the BBC are like the pig standing next to the elephant. Everyone looks at the elephant ignoring the fact that the pig's just eaten your pastries.
Primarily my gripe with them is their stance on foreign affairs. So many times, i have seen them create skewed presentations and on some occasions create outright lies, completely opposite to the truth. Most of this is probably due to the fact that they are a government run organisation so have to smear government enemies whenever they are told to, but even then sometimes they go to far. For example, ex-president of palestine, Yasa Arafat's death had a little obituary on the bbc. The entire obituary was listing what he intended to achieve with palestine, and then listing how he had failed at everything he had ever attempted. I mean considering that palestine almost immediately split in two, politically speaking, so quickly after his death, you'd think that he was doing something right while he was alive, and yet the BBC showed no respect whatsoever and did everything they could to make a well loved leader out to be a blithering idiot, literally days after the man had died.
I stopped watching BBC foreign affairs news after I just got so disgusted with their bias, but it still irks me so much because this is probably the biggest media organisation in the world. They are well trusted because of that elephant/pig analogy I said before, but if you look at them on their own, even a child could see that it's not right. As a child, I did notice it, particularly at 9/11, where one supposed expert said that they don’t know who purpotrated the attacks, but that people should avoid going to muslim countries. How does that make sense? Not only did they apparently go by the method “guilty until proven innocent,†but they lumped together every single muslim country into one big gelatinous blob of evil. That’s a billion people labelled as dangerous from one statement. This was compounded when there were those train attacks in spain, which was almost immediately linked to ETA, a Spanish terrorist group, and yet everyone was told that it was fine to go to spain, even just the day after the attack.
They’re not the only ones to stereotype and discriminate. Just today (the event that proved to be the catalyst of my rant,) there was a report on channel 4 news about the human rights and equality commission which deals with this sort of discrimination against pretty much all groups of colour, creed, disability and sexual orientation. They listed the groups that suffer discrimination, and concerning homosexuals, they had a video of two guys in stripey sailor tops, prancing about that raging fairies. Now I know there are people like that, but can they not show anything except the stereotype. Can’t they show one of those gay-pride marches with people holding up that rainbow flag?
It’s madness, it really is.