Today I dreamt of a judgement day event… probably not THE judgement day because I survived, but only just.
At first, there was a long build-up. I was walking around inside this huge building and there was a grim atmosphere, everyone knew a massacre was coming. The US president was trying to organise a 20 minute silence for what was about to occur. People were looking at ways to spend these last moments in a huge building with nothing to do. I eventually figured that it wasn’t likely that I would survive this, but I would try. I still felt I would be of the few who made it. There were little holes in the wall where you were supposed to cut off your own tongue for identification purposes; they told people to scream when they did it. Scream so much that you forget about the pain and only think about screaming.
All too soon, I found that people had congregated in the main hall, everyone on one side, and a few people on the other. It appeared that this entire event was happening because people just couldn’t agree and it was all coming to a head. My family and I were young, barely older than children. I kept thinking that there was some prophet here somewhere; a boy the same age as me, who had all the answers and who would survive to create a new day. The people at the front of the room began addressing the crowd. My sister kept interrupting, asking them impertinent questions, being loud and obnoxious. We told her to shut up and show some respect but she didn’t listen. Eventually people decided to run for it and all hell broke loose. I saw a soldier, fully equipped. I tried to run but he shot me in the back. That was the first time that I ever felt numb… numb all over my body except for that single point in my back. I can still feel it now. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I saw myself from outside my body, and I was just lying there, thinking to myself. I thought to myself, oh… well that’s it then, and started praying to God just to make sure I was going to heaven. I was rather confident that I would… I was actually rather pleased. There was a song going through my head, the only lyric was the name “Ali,†… I don’t know why. The name means “lofty, sublime,†which rather fits the tone of the song and what I thought awaited me after death. Eventually I found that I was not dead, I was looking through my eyes again and was laying on a bed, with bandaging around my chest. I couldn’t move properly and feared paralysis. My brother came into the room and asked if I was ok, I said I was. Eventually I could feel myself able to move a bit more and more over time. And then I woke up, the song still going through my head.