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Author Topic: Friend or Foe 2.0  (Read 8678 times)

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Re: Friend or Foe 2.0
« Reply #90 on: August 19, 2009, 09:29:03 PM »
 The large onyx dragon roared out as her claws tore through his scales and into the meat and muscle below, his joyous grin replaced by sour discontent. "Get off of me you..."he growled, cutting of his own speech with his struggle to regain control. His anger with seething out of him like a black mist, being attacked in such a vicious way particularly one that got past his defenses always made him extremely upset. He grabbed her by the throat, digging his several inch long blades that one would call claws into her throat. "I'm done with games dragoness" he scowled, still writing from her vicious attacks. The air around them was black from the mist of his dark aura and the world seemed devoid of any sound other then the two of them. He lifted her up and got up himself keeping her eye to eye with him, her feet several feet off the ground. The claws in her neck tightened, then tightened some more, almost to the point of breaking her neck as he squeeze with little effort. No more smiles came from the dragon's maw, instead he slung her to the side like a rag doll. "You will survive another day but your friends instead will die in your name." No sooner did he finish the sentence that he teleported forward to the one iguaness and with a forceful swing of his sword, cleaved her clear in two. A before the blood could even splatter from her open wounds he teleported to the second iguana sister, grabbed her head spun her around and ran his blade clear through her. In another instant he was at the bird, lifting her into the air. She let out a ear shattering scream as her body burst into flames and melted into nothingness. Finally the Dragon stopped and looked at the two remaining fellowship members as the two iguaness sisters' bodies fell over. Only a second had passed between teleport to finish and he set his eyes upon the dinosaur.
« Last Edit: August 20, 2009, 01:01:21 AM by Tezztor Aslir Ne'taku »

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Re: Friend or Foe 2.0
« Reply #91 on: August 20, 2009, 02:15:35 AM »
Rigor plopped back on the ground as he tossed her aside and laughed through uneasy breaths until the wounds from his claws sealed shut with black substance, and faded to reveal uninjured skin. She rubbed her neck, but watched as he slaughtered three of the group, oddly detached emotionally to the situation. Whereas any other time she would have lost it seeing people slaughtered for no reason, had she still been her human self. She was feeling quite content having spoiled the dragon's games, and watching him rage and try to spoil her game was just adding to her fun. She clapped her hands, still sitting on the ground smiling, "Awww, did I spoil the little dwaggy waggy's show? Seems he has a temper when he doesn't get his waaaay." Although she'd hoped to deter his attention from the dinosaur who had been with them, she couldn't tell if that was honestly the reason or if she just wanted to watch him get even more riled up. She was having a lball despite the fact that three people had been slaughtered in her name.

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Re: Friend or Foe 2.0
« Reply #92 on: August 20, 2009, 04:04:42 AM »
I watched in anger and disbelief as three of my companions were killed within a matter of seconds, then found that I was next. I subtly wished that I was Isaac, so I could plunge this guy into a Gravitational singularity, or shove a Gamma-ray burst down his throat, but wishes like that don't come true, so I would just have to use what I have to deal with the situation at hand. I readied my blade, despite my opponents blatant combat superiority and a better weapon, I stood my ground. Then Rigor began patronising the black Dragon with a condescending demeanor, it wasn't something I would do or think to be a wise action, but it proved to be a short distraction that I used to my advantage. I silently leapt at my target, gripping the steel shortsword with both hands held downwards to stab into his chest.

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Re: Friend or Foe 2.0
« Reply #93 on: August 21, 2009, 10:44:47 PM »
  Tezztor stared down the wolf, watching his movement closely with his sharp eyes. Not a word escaped his scalie lips, just an eerie silence. he stepped forward towards the wolf grinning, spinning his blade as effortlessly as if it were instinct. "Why did I kill him? I'll answer your question with another, why not? Because I can and there is nobody who can stop me." he coldly remarked, readying his blade in his typical style, a parry heavy defense. "If you think you are the one to stop me then step forward wolf but I warn you, your blood will stain the floor of this pathetic shop." The tension of the room grew, the two could snap into combat at any moment. Raptor vs the wolf and the world would see which was the deadlier predator. The assassin had one thing for sure on the wolf and that was all the talents and skills that he was designed with, having been made himself by the sorcerer. He sniffed the air making sure nobody else but the wolf was around. The wolf seemed uneasy, but angry all the same. "C'mon wolf," he taunted. "You going to stand there and make something of it? I got places to go people to kill so lets try not to delay your inevitable death any further."

  Kiolosk fumed over the dragoness' defiance. She was so completely insufferable yet deep down he admired her style, had he been in the same position he'd of done the same. He looked her way with disgust none the less, "Insult whelp, I tire of your mouth. I will just have to shut it for you since you lack the aptitude to do it for yourse....." The dragon staggered and fall back with a crash under the weight of the dinosaur. He sputtered out blood and looked down, a blade sticking from his chest. Despite the immense amount of pain he smiled, his rows of sharp teeth now covered in his own regurgitated blood. "Well played." he merely offered. However a lesser being would've succumbed to such an attack, this was no regular dragon but one gifted with immense power over death. He begun to laugh and his skin and muscle melted away leaving only his wicked, blood soaked skeleton and the blade rattled loosely against bone. The skeletal dragon grasped the dinosaur and got up, claiming his blade as he did so. "You cannot escape me, and you CANNOT kill me." he said with a overabundance of self confidence as he voice echoed amongst the bone. Effortlessly he tossed the dinosaur upward and swung his blade, the world seemingly rippling around it as it moved to cleave the dinosaur in half.

  The birds in the sky seemed to come to a halt at that moment, and the wind ceased to move the trees. Nearby bees remained motionless as if suspended in mid air and it was readily apparent that time had stood still. The dinosaur glided safely down to the earth, seemingly unaffected by the change. The dragoness also was not effected and the only sound in the vast silence was the groans of the two iguaness sisters as they came back to life. Their bodies had mended as if nothing had ever happened to them, their gazes looked about wondering what happened. "You are safe now." A voice rang about with the same thunder as the evil dragon, but lacking all of the ominous evil feeling. Another black dragon stepped up, an exact twin of the first but bearing a aura of soothing calm and armor of the finest gold. He stepped up to the now frozen in time skeleton and smiled. "Always the bother, brother." he remarked turning to the others and examining them.

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Re: Friend or Foe 2.0
« Reply #94 on: August 22, 2009, 08:52:10 AM »
Vosur held his stance, his previous-life's mind familiar with normal swordplay... but something took over his body as his eyes locked with his current opponent. The flow of time seemed to slow down in his mind as he held the stance, keeping himself ready to strike with his current weapon of preference. He couldn't help but notice that he felt himself get warmer, primarily on his hands where his hilt and sheath were, as if his body were readying an attack that required a degree of focus that he did not have in his previous-life. In less-than-a-heartbeat, his pupils dilated as he unsheathed the weapon and swiped at the air, but the metal blade obviously missing the target as he was too far away. He barely had enough time to sheathe his blade as fast as he could before he could see something impact the thick wooden support beam about 20 degrees to the right of his opponent from his position. The "hit" was about as heavy as if B'ar had punched the beam himself with his Cestus gloves, it had caused a small shower of sparks and wooden shards that slightly illuminated his opponent who was in the shadows of the building to prevent Vosur's recognition of this assailant.

His eyes went blue for a moment as he inhaled and exhaled, realizing at what just happened as he felt his body drop in temperature for a moment. "'Chi Dart'... glad to see more than looks carried to this world." he muttered with a grin as his irises contracted and returned to their battle-ready-red, stance returning to how it was before he attacked.

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Re: Friend or Foe 2.0
« Reply #95 on: August 24, 2009, 02:32:24 AM »
Rigor got to her feet and smiled at the black dragons. "Looks like we're just all full of cheap parlor tricks today." She dusted the dirt off of herself and examined the newer dragon suspiciously. She did not care for help, but something inside her, probably her human self, sighed with relief.. Yet Rigor's refused to show it. It was as if the dragoness herself had taken the girl she once was, her creator, and jammed her in a cage within her own mind to rot and wither away. Her memories were fading.. She sometimes forgot her purpose as Ralph from the Lord of the Flies did.. And therefore wondered why she didn't just let the dragoness take over.. But then with a flash, she remembered her mate and at once, that was all that mattered.. Yet Rigor again shunned the girl's feelings away without so much as a sign of compassion. Rigor strolled over to Kiolosk and ran a casual finger down the bloody ribs , bringing it to her maw and allowing her long neon tongue to curl around it, leaving no blood behind. Her mouth pulled into a sharp toothed grin and her tongue whipped around, clinging to her nose horn. "Well, that was fun, but I think you could do better next time."

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Re: Friend or Foe 2.0
« Reply #96 on: August 24, 2009, 12:33:37 PM »
I grasped my chest and breathed heavily, wondering how I survived that attack. "I'm getting tired of all these surprises..."  I thought, then I looked up and spotted another black Dragon, and saw that the first one had lost all of his flesh, reducing him to a now inanimate skeleton. "This is just my first day coming here, and I already hate this place." I sighed, conjuring Shailik's robe over myself and I notice my sword is missing from the hand of the skeletal Dragon, back in my possession, concealed within my attire. I walked over to Rigor, who was disturbingly licking the bloody leftovers of the defeated enemy, and seemed to be enjoying every drop. "I think we should do something to make sure he doesn't come back..." I said, loosely observing the frozen bones in front of me, wondering what would happen should I knock it over to hundreds of scattered pieces.

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Re: Friend or Foe 2.0
« Reply #97 on: August 26, 2009, 01:06:08 AM »
The golden armored dragon surveyed the various persons before him, observing their various personalities. They were amusing to him, mulling about themselves as if they had won a great battle. These mortal creatures had always fascinated him. "Do not mistake my brother as dead or defeated," he finally spoke his voice seemingly otherworldly. "He is merely frozen in time. You all are lucky to be alive as he could've killed you at any moment he pleased." He clicked his clawed fingers and time continued onward, at the same time magical bonds formed around the dark dragon binding him in place. The evil brother roared in frustration, 'Curse you brother, always interfering with my plans. One of these days you will learn to keep your muzzle out of my business." Kiolosk fumed trying to wrestle free of his bonds. The good brother turned to his brother but spoke to the others, "I am Ghivar, crusader of the light and high templar of the raptor caste. Entrusted by my lord to protect this planet from nefarious deeds, both alien and domestic. However I do not recognize your various species, I was aware only of the creations of raptor kind and none of you meet those specifications. Explain your presence here." Ghivar's expression turned from warm to serious, almost aggravated as he awaited their explanation.

  Tezztor looked on as the wolf threw a dart at him, unwavering in his focus and coolness. Though the wolf attacked he was far from amused. "Wolf by my right you should be dead now but your not on my list." the raptor exclaimed coldly before turning around leaping to the window still. He lept from the window onto the wall of the nearby window, his talons digging into the wall. With a powerful thrust of his strong hind legs he propelled himself upward into a backflip onto one of the remaining support beams of the smithy, landing as perfectly and effortlessly as if walking. The entire act took him but a moment and he turned and looked down at the wolf through the open roof, left open by the fire that had taken place earlier. "Best find the others wolf and if our paths ever cross again know that you will have no more chances. If you attack me again you will not escape death. Big things are going to happen soon, I can feel it." he spoke confidently. Without a further moment he lept to a nearby building and headed for gate.

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Re: Friend or Foe 2.0
« Reply #98 on: August 26, 2009, 08:17:24 AM »
Vosur watched as the raptor wall-kicked his way to on top of the support beams of the smithy, then jumped away and out of his sight. Getting a glance of the assailant, resembling a familiar figure, caused him to stay his blade, his eyes reverting to blue before he slumped forward in his stance and lowering the weapon almost to the ground exhaustedly. The thought of pursuing and attempting another shot at the raptor raced through his head, though even if he were willing to attack again he wouldn't have enough energy to go for a third time if he missed. He let the thought pass as he glanced over to the body of the blacksmith, no signs of life showing. "I saw no harm from him, he did his job and he lived a fairly peaceful life..." the white wolf muttered to himself, dragging the blade along the ground as he limped into the smithy. He didn't have much time to grieve over the loss for the sake of this friend, he knew that if the guards were to return soon, he would be the first to blame even though his weapon had no blood on it. First thing he did was to close and bar the door before he tried to cover up what remained of the windows, then dropped the sabre to the side before he strained to drag the bear's body out the back to create a makeshift grave for him. He tried to keep silent for all of this, obviously hindered by exhaustion and prosthetic legs that had not been repaired this whole time, but managed to bury the body and set up a gravemarker behind the smithy, out of view to would-be customers.  Using what wood and metal they had from trying to repair the smithy, Vosur prepared the smithy to be ready to use again, but out of exhaustion he sat down next to the door, bracing himself against it to prevent any unexpected visitors entering in (even though it was barred shut) and slid into a sitting position while grabbing hold of the dull sabre as he fell asleep.

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Re: Friend or Foe 2.0
« Reply #99 on: August 28, 2009, 05:49:30 PM »
Rigor snickered, taking amusement in the good dragon's belief that she could be killed. "I could have killed him if I'd wanted, but he's just too much damn fun." She was almost insane to be picking a fight with the darker dragon yet again after they had just been saved, but the girl could not get to her own mind to decide that. She was shut out.. And her thoughts and memories seemed to be that of her character. Kiolosk shot Rigor a look that seemed to confirm the thought of strangling her when he broke free. "As for why we're here? Why do you want to know? Because even if I wanted to tell you, I don't think I could explain it myself. I seem to be a contradiction in this place.." she huffed. "I can't remember much other than some sort of labs, but even trying to recall that is like trying to make out pictures printed on wet tissue paper."

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Re: Friend or Foe 2.0
« Reply #100 on: September 03, 2009, 11:37:51 AM »
A pair of brown eyes appear in a dark corner, the sound of snickering is heard but no one can pinpoint it. Kana has been watching for a while now as the battle unfolded.
He recognises two of the people as some one he has briefly met in the past: "Tezz? Vosur?" Kana shouts with a menecing rumble in his voice: "What are you doing here do you need some assistance?"
Kana begins to prepare for battle.


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