Schreckgespenst caught a glimpse of something white as he scanned the area, and upon looking down, he was startled by some lizard inspecting the stones he was standing on. He stumbled backward, only to realize that there was no sturdy footing behind him. With the ground crumbling from under his feet, he tumbled backwards and fell, landing on the opposite side of the rocks that the other lizard was inspecting. As he fell, the ground seemed eager to meet him until he thrush out one of the sleeves he called arms and it unraveled, catching a small plant that was growing out of the pile. He quickly stopped before hitting the soil, but not as gracefully as he would have liked because while he avoided smacking flat into the ground, gravity still came into play making him swing into the pile of rocks itself. He was face first into the fire symbol.. Apparently etched into both sides of the pile.