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Author Topic: Treasure Hunter  (Read 2737 times)

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Treasure Hunter
« on: January 09, 2010, 04:10:38 AM »
You walk into a pub, the atmosphere is rip with the sound of chatter and merriment. Its various patrons shambling about enjoying their ale and their company. You hold up a note scribbled in ink on a very old piece of paper telling you to meet a man named Duihcov here followed only by the promise of wealth beyond imagining. As a scourer of ancient ruins and temples the intrigue of finding an artifact for this man appeals to you, eats at your conscience like daggers filling you with excitement. In the middle of the room you see a large man in a leather outfit. His hair has faded to white from many winters and a long mustache adorns his treacherous face. "Come and join us!" he shouts to you, signaling you to join him at the table. A dozen or more other heads turn to face you, all from different ilks and backgrounds but all bearing the look of seasoned treasure hunters. Wearily you take a seat, usually content to work on your own the thought of a big pay day loosens your usually rigid tongue. Before you on the table the man sits a strange artifact. Your eyes widen with possibility, your mind racing with possibility of adventure and discovery. Before you can throw your hat in the man snatches up the artifact and begins to talk, "Instead of hiring one of you, I am hiring all of you but only one will walk away with the riches. This artifact is but one clue in a seemingly endless sea of clues. All I know is your quest will start in an old temple in South America. Once there you will need to search for the next clue and unravel the mystery behind this." Without a further word the man sat the artifact teaming with symbols and sculptures back on the table, instantly being grabbed and wrestled about amongst the various hunters. One symbol catches your eye amidst the chaos, that of a fire upon a stack of logs. You stand up ready for your adventure.

This roleplay is a treasure hunt and as it goes along more clues and plot info will be released. You will form alliances and break them as you find more and more about what your hunting for, vying for that ever elusive payday. The time period is the present and you will begin scouring the rain forest in South America in search of the symbol mentioned above. A few Rules to get you going.

- Your a treasure hunter not a mercenary, keep weapons to a minimum. At the same time try to be reasonable with equipment, you would be doing a lot of climbing and other things to get around.

- No instant killing or such if you fight with other characters. Give others a chance to fight back and make it fair for everybody.

- All roleplays must be at least two sentences long.

- Do not leave others behind. Try to give everybody a turn before you roleplay again. Its never fun to have to read pages and pages of roleplay to catch up.

- Have fun

« Last Edit: January 09, 2010, 04:23:56 AM by Tezztor Aslir Ne'taku »

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Re: Treasure Hunter
« Reply #1 on: January 10, 2010, 10:58:23 PM »
Schreckgespenst trudged in the underbrush of the dense forest. He was a little irritated as this was not something he was usually used to. Sure.. He liked his fair share of hiding spots given his mischievous nature, but that usually included under children's beds, in their closets.. Nice carpeted places with a few toys strewn about.. A much less muddier place than the one he was in. He was thankful that he wasn't made of flesh and blood given the numerous bugs fluttering around that would more than likely dine off of those warm and fleshy beings. Getting tangled up, he pulled the pin stuck in his back out and began to swat at some of the plants in his way. It didn't cut them, but it was good enough to clear a path some of the way. He was somewhat glad that he didn't manage to break any of the saplings.. Who knew what might follow him out here..? There was obviously more than one person after these riches.

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Re: Treasure Hunter
« Reply #2 on: January 12, 2010, 05:29:43 PM »
He looked about thinking about the artifact that was lain before him at the tavern. It was obviously old, maybe even ancient and it intrigued him forward. Typically in such a game he'd of just killed of the other hunters and taken his time but this time he figured he wait and savor it. He was not very keen on ancient lore so letting them decipher some of the mystery lessened a lot of the work ultimately would have to do. The jungle was thick and the air was humid, almost sticking to him like a layer of cloth. He liked the warm air and basked in it whenever he could but the jungles various flora and fauna only served to get in his way. He didn't much care for the preservation of life so he didn't hold any reserve in cutting down anything that lay before him. His sharp blade, a mystical dagger he had found in a hunt before, was sharp and easily severed the plants from their stems. Animals too easily fell before it and he was quite skilled in its use, almost scarily so. He was as much a cold blooded murderer as a treasure hunter and as such he usually worked alone.

 "Too much life in this place" he muttered to himself as he trudged forward through the jungle. Still there was no signed but he still had the scent trail of the other hunters fresh in his nostrils. He knew it would only be so long before the others found the first clue, a find he planned on capitalizing on. The thought alone brought a smile to his scaly face.

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Re: Treasure Hunter
« Reply #3 on: January 13, 2010, 12:12:29 AM »
"So what I have here as clues so far is a run of the mill note with a time, location and a name "Duihcov" along with that fire on logs symbol from the artifact. If perhaps I run an online search on this area I may be able to find this on something.." *The wolf sat cross-legged under a bactris gasipaes tree with his laptop in front of him tethered to his satellite phone and looked at the screen wearily and in full concentration searching through furoogle for any non-spam results to appear*

"Gah!" "About 12 possible references to fire with logs, but nothing about an old temple.. grr I should have known public information would have been absolutely no help to me whatsoever." *He got up and stretched putting his laptop and phone back in his backpack leaning up against the side of the tree and put it back on; looking around the jungle with compass in hand, he reached in his left bag pocket and flipped open his knife with the other paw* "Okay.. I figure wherever this thing is must be out of public view so I gotta go for the deep part of the jungle." *He proceeded to walk around the tree he was sitting under and slashes an opening through some of brush, then takes a step inside making a loud splash*

"Ugh... muddy water." *He trudged forward finding his boot sink into it about six inches before it found solid dirt* "Good Thing for me wearing boots." *He walked further carefully watching his surroundings in the various foreign bushes and trees that were new to him*
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Re: Treasure Hunter
« Reply #4 on: January 14, 2010, 05:36:03 AM »
A soft step guided the doll as he got his bearings and dashed.. There was something.. Someone near.. And he wasn't one to want to be seen.. But it was hard to miss his neon figure against the dull brown of the undergrowth and the deep greens of the leaves around him. He stopped, only for a moment to scan around him, feeling somewhat paranoid. He usually wasn't one to be skiddish in any given situation, but this treasure hunting business could be cut-throat from what he understood. This was his first time in the game, and he didn't want to lose. Shreckgespenst hoped for his sake that his height might be an advantage or rummaging around in the bushes. It wasn't long until he came to a stone pile.. A marker perhaps..? Suggesting a direction. Maybe it was for this temple. Wandering around in the brush he'd found nothing.. So following the pile's indication seemed like a good thing. He climbed on top of the pile.. Nervous of being seen, but also wanting to see if there was something to be worried about or near.. He had to satisfy his curiosity.

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Re: Treasure Hunter
« Reply #5 on: January 14, 2010, 10:38:42 PM »
 The large reptile crept ever so quietly through the forest, his size hiding his agility and grace of talon. He slide amongst the ferns and undergrowth as if he were a ghost, his blade slicing up the plant life without a sound and as easy as a knife through butter. This was typically his style, so much in fact that he no longer realized he did it he was simply used to doing so. He was more then a hunter of treasures, he was a hunter of people and he was very good at what he did. He sighed a bit, letting forth the first really audible noise in hours. "This place has been undisturbed for many years, more then likely its treasures might all be intact." he thought to himself as he continued on his way. The scent of other hunters grew nearer and he felt it was inevitable that he might run across one. There was something else here as well, a being of magical nature that lacked a scent but he knew it all the same. He could only wonder what this was and if it were friend or foe. Before long he came across a pile of stones and kneeled before them. The stones were heavily inscribed with markings of an ancient era but all of them unrecognized to any known civilization he had read up on. The symbols did not seem to mean anything until he came upon a familiar fire symbol. Reaching into his pack he removed the sketch he had done at the meeting. "Bingo" he thought aloud.

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Re: Treasure Hunter
« Reply #6 on: January 15, 2010, 02:12:48 AM »
*The wolf stopped short having laid a paw upon a leaf that crunched with eyes wide having heard rustling through bushes within his vicinity* "Company.. I should keep a low profile until I know what is near." *He crouched down among the bushes and approached a tree and leaned against it looking upon what looked like a rock formation*

*He scanned the rocks and noticed that something about them was awkward to the rest of the area* "There's no geological reason I can think of as to why these rocks are here since this place is mostly loose soil and plant life.." *White stopped short upon realization of their obvious importance on the face of one of the rocks* "The fire symbol!" *He quickly found himself following up on his find covering up his muzzle after his excited outburst." "Oh crud, I just gave away my position." *White slowly backed away into a bush and crouched low staying still*
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Re: Treasure Hunter
« Reply #7 on: January 15, 2010, 07:44:14 PM »
Schreckgespenst caught a glimpse of something white as he scanned the area, and upon looking down, he was startled by some lizard inspecting the stones he was standing on. He stumbled backward, only to realize that there was no sturdy footing behind him. With the ground crumbling from under his feet, he tumbled backwards and fell, landing on the opposite side of the rocks that the other lizard was inspecting. As he fell, the ground seemed eager to meet him until he thrush out one of the sleeves he called arms and it unraveled, catching a small plant that was growing out of the pile. He quickly stopped before hitting the soil, but not as gracefully as he would have liked because while he avoided smacking flat into the ground, gravity still came into play making him swing into the pile of rocks itself. He was face first into the fire symbol.. Apparently etched into both sides of the pile.


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