Front and center soldier! you are one of the remaing survivours at freedom bunker, a FM (Furry Military) defence implacement. you are out numbered, out gunned, and have no hope for survival. what do you do in your finest hour? it is up to you change the outcome of the battle to preserve the freedom of the Furry way!
this RP game has a time line, so i will lay it out for you.
-first, the people that want to play report to me (The officer in charge)
-i give them the Sit-Rep (how we are doing on guns, ammo, ect)
-when enough people have joined, i will anounce the second part, where the players can converse amoung themselves, about what they are thinking, hoping, expecting, before the big attack, wheather or not they expect to live, ect.
-the thrid part is the big enemy attack, I will give each player the option of, where they want fight, and who they want to fight with (if two players choose to fight with eachother)
-after the players have chosen, i will give them more info on the postion/flank they are defending and the oposition they will face.
-players write (or co-write if you are fighting with someone else) there story of the battle for freedom bunker.
-through out the battle i will give updates on whats happening in the battle (i.e. if the enemy is retreating or bringing up more guns, ect)
-based on people individual stories i will decied the out come of the battle, so fight hard!
i am the OIC (officer in charge) you most report to me in your first post.
"I NEED A SIT-REP NOW!" Colonol TImber yells into the combat raidio as another shell impacts the bunker.
"your not going to get anything but static Sir! they have a jammer set up!" says a leutenaunt.
"GODDAMN IT!" he throws the raidio to the floor "What did the last report say we had infront of us?"
"An infantry division and two tank battalions Sir!"