Hey. I'm.......well, pretty much completely new to the furry fandom/lifestyle.
I got into this when I was randomly looking up articles in wikipedia, and i remembered the CSI episode that relates to furries.
Yeah, that episode was pretty stupid and uninformed.
Anyways, I first found out about it when I found an old website showing a bunch of furries betting blown up with helium.
...i really don't want to admit this but i will anyways. I had a few wet dreams thinking about it. >_< (look it up at wikipedia if u dont know)
So anyways, I researched this and checked out some webcomics...and i gotta say
HOLY flaming bag of dog doo! I CANT BELIEVE I'VE BEEN MISSING OUT!!!!!1@27 (btw thats my signature "!!1one" thing)
Anyways, about myself. Right now, I am almost 16 (April 6! OMFG!!!), and I will be going to Minnesota visiting my cousins and stuff.
I guess my furry would actually be a Dragon. I will eventually post a Black and White picture of my furry (really, me) whenever my ****ING COMP DECIDES TO INSTALL THE SOFTWARE FOR MY SCANNER!!!!!!1@27
Yeah. Basically, a man raped a 52 year old hybrid between a Silver and Gold dragon whilst she slept, and (at least in the fanfic i'm writing) has unrelated became the president of the United States of America. Go figure. I don't have names for the two parents yet.
He (I) has pretty much been born without a soul, and has spent the first 19 years inside of a giant tube, barely holding on. Basically just a hull.
In a different Dimention, I basically take my RL form out hunting, and go dimention hopping when a nuke atomizes me. (Ouch!)
Then, my spirit is put into the half dragon body, and i'm left to my own devices.
I'll post my fanfic when I get a few chapters done. Don't worry about it.
So yeah. Gotta get that scanner software working before i can show you what I look like. You can check my profile for colors and stuff.
I made a bunch of self-notes on the picture, which I don't feel like erasing.
...nice to meet you. I guess I shouldn't have told you this much, but you'd have learned it anyways.
BTW my furry name is the same as my RL name. But I'm NOT GOING TO TELL U MY LAST NAME SO DONT ****ING ASK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1@27
Sorry, i freaked out there for a sec. Hormones and all that ****, you know? Yeah. Puberty's a *****.