years back i discovered a furry hypnotism was a hour long, and it was designed to hypnotise you into feeling and seeing furry..not just yourself but everyone else you see as furry. you listened to it while in the dark laying still and relaxing..and after so many sessions it would make all the above true, and you could turn it on and off at will upon command with a keyword.
firstly i wondered if anyfur here knows of this, and if they still have it and to post it.
secondly i find this facinating, that the brain can be tricked into not only seeing but feeling things of this nature. it makes me wish to see a proffessional hypnotist and mabey get this sort of thing rigged into my brain so that i may enjoy these effects.
lets discuss this, hypnotism..alteration of the psyche to see and feel what we so long we could be.
i used to own the hypnitism file once upon a time ago but sadly it is now lost to time, if anyone knows of its whereabouts post it here sure other furs would love a go at this