So I finally splurged and bought myself 5,000 credits. I was tired of my boring, non-personalized avatar. Even though I've been browsing the catalogue for weeks, I'd still appreciate your input! I want to make sure my money is well spent! :)
First, this is in no way meant to put down developers or pick favorites. If the moderators see this as being a bad idea, please take the necessary action. I need to choose a furry head, and I am leaning towards Maxis' Razi head. Please elaborate on the pros and cons of each head, if you like - perhaps this will help others make choices, as well.
Also, do Razi's canine teeth work with these heads? And do Maxis' heads have human ears?
Second, I need to choose a white skin. You can see a picture of my fursona
here.. She is all white with a black nose. Can you recommend me a good skin? You may have inferred that I am very picky. D:
Thanks so much for putting up with all my questions! I'm sure there will be more to come. :p