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Author Topic: The Fudge of Aeternum!  (Read 1605 times)

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The Fudge of Aeternum!
« on: December 27, 2010, 02:59:19 AM »
Hello there.  This will be a funny RP where we parody situations common to video game RPGs and other fantasy/sci-fi things while in a Sci-fantasy environment.  Expect a buttload of cliches done for laughs, tropes pushed to their max, and some crazy story to unfold.  First off!  I will be Dungeon Master and a Player. (its my thread after all)  So, what we have here is what is already something fans do often, THE GLORIOUS SELF-INSERT FIC!!!! And off we go.  To join, just make up some event that starts you off.

You are part of an adventuring party headed to combat the evil lich king with his freakin huge sword.  He killed all your brothers that you didnt kill first, and burned villages to the ground when he got drunk and signed the papers to create an interstellar highway.

You must journey through the lands, from the ludicrous plateau to the Back of the Burning Fridge.  In the BAck of the Burning Fridge, you will find all manner of freezer-burnt food and evil, such as badly made fursuits.  You will also find the dreaded lich kings castle, called Dirty Laundry.  He has a pet Human!!!!! beware that beast!

To beat him, you must travel to three different places and collect the rare jewels to unlock the Fudge of Aeternum, the lich kings only weakness.

And thus, this is where we start. Post your character's entrance, and when we get at least five characters (including me) we will begin our somewhat easy quest to kill the lich king!

* Player Character walks in* I am Zaktan Zanamu.  I am now obliged to eat you. *shows teeth off by smiling*
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= Special Operations =

Et tu, Human?
De oculo mentis, servire se optimum est.

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Re: The Fudge of Aeternum!
« Reply #1 on: April 10, 2011, 06:44:14 AM »
*falls though a hole in the sky*
"Ahhhhhhh!!!, Woah, where did that hole come from?"
*as you get a closer look, you see a 15 year old black and red wolven furry standing before you, he has a magical fire-making device (Lighter), Two long swords, a short sword, and a Bow. He has a few cuts, scars, and scrapes, but he looks incredibly strong.
"Who are you?", "and how did i get here?"

(Btw, ive just arrived from a interdimentional time rift, that closed up almost instantly. Ive come from the medieval ages, but have constucted a fire making device by killing a dragon and stealing its spark making teeth, and its gaseous breath.)

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Re: The Fudge of Aeternum!
« Reply #2 on: April 10, 2011, 10:50:09 AM »
*makes an indiana jones style entrance.* hi, i have the ability to find and use any of the conviniently placed weapons we may or may-not have seen before placed along our trip. *^_^.......>_>......-_-.....zzzz......* I'M AWAKE!!!.....*<_<...>_>...^_^*
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Offline Bloodhound

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Re: The Fudge of Aeternum!
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2011, 04:13:24 PM »
"Where the heck did he come from?"
( ^_^)

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« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 04:32:13 PM by Macid »


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