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Author Topic: The Kin Chronicles: The Black Kat  (Read 15543 times)

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Offline Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy

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Re: The Kin Chronicles: The Black Kat
« Reply #90 on: March 09, 2010, 05:27:00 PM »
Chapter 7: The Calvary

Kratos started the fight after their long stand-off by closing the distance in a jump and thrusting downwards. Shinzuu dodged quickly, but heard the ground break and his trousers tear a bit. He quickly made some more distance as Kratos landed onto the ground. shinzuu checked his trousers, a very clean cut, matching the cut on his leg he received from that same attack. "You have quite the weapon there, Kratos. To think that High Mage Anil enchanted your saber." Kratos smirked and slid forward, slashing horizontally. Shinzuu watched carefully and ducked under it, rolling towards Kratos and recovered with an upward slash. Kratos stepped back and stopped the katana with his saber's hilt and punched Shinzuu with a left hook.Shinzuu's face nearly missed the floor as he rotated his body to regain his balance and rolled away from Kratos. Kratos gave chase, throwing slashes and thrusts. Shinzuu continued to dodge, getting a bit cut up here and there. He quickly got backed into the door of the tower. He watched the saber carefully. Okay, so the blade's extended reach is about four meters.

Kratos chuckled as he slowly walked up. "I am surprised you are not in pieces, boy. Though I will say that those cuts complement your stripes. The others really belittle me, sending the filthy hybrid traitor against me. You were indeed one of my best, boy. However, you became disposable the day you three betrayed me and kill three of my best battalions." Shinzuu growled. "That mission. They weren't thieves, not even pickpockets. They were all nobles, most of them from your own counsel and advisory board whom you couldn't convince to go along with your stupid plans of taking over Terra, and their families! You ordered us to kill innocent people! Your men raped and tortured them all. Your men had spilled innocent blood! And now, we're going to spill yours. All your corruption will be paid in blood!" Kratos laughed aloud, "Then why don't you save a seat for me? In Hell!" Kratos took a step forward and slashed down diagonally. Shinzuu tried to dodge, but the blood loss from all the cuts made him slightly off balance and he staggered. In an instant, a cloaked figure jumped down from the top of the tower, landed between Kratos and Shinzuu, and twirled around, deflecting the strike with enough force to cause Kratos to recoil and step back. Kratos's anger grew with this new annoyance. "And who the hell are you?"

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Red sweat profusely, staring Jay kaelin down in the guest room that he got tackled into. His usual tactics, thus far, have been proven counter-productive. Jay's ability to dodge is amazingly good. What scared Red the most, was the fact that Jay's ability to return the projectiles were as good as his. Red recessed his remaining knives back in between his feathers. He drew his saber and took a fencing stance. Jay drew golden twin knives from his belt and readied himself, holding them in reverse, crossing his arms in front and crouching slightly forward. Red took a deep breath, doing his best to remember all his lessons that he failed as a child and all the ones he got from Jack over the years. Well, I guess it's time to play my trump. He started the sortie with a powerful thrust...

*                        *                            *                             *                          *

Explosions resounded throughout the castle, as Vladimir fought with jack and Epoch. Vladimir's attacks have been strong, severely damaging Jack's blades. He's running out of weapons, but Vladimir's no different. Constant strong attacks and contact with Epoch's explosives have destroyed many of Vladimir's weapons, as well. Jack stood before Vladimir, a katana in one hand and a chipped broadsword in the other, his knees shaking and bruised up from all the bracing. Vladimir, also feeling fatigue, stood more firm, wielding a claymore. Epoch weazed as he caught up with them, his head swimming and staggering with each step. "Hah... I'm... hah... here. I... am dieting... hah... after this." Epoch held his side, still catching his breath. jack maintained eye contact on Vladimir and waved Epoch off. "You've done enough, old friend. Find a place to hide, I'll take care of the rest. If you end up dying here, Shinzuu will drag you back from Hell just to send you back himself. Don't worry. I can still do this." After much attempts to argue, Epoch finally gave in and ran down the next corridor. Vladimir chuckled, "You know that I'll kill him after you, don't you?" Jack readied his weapons, "You won't be killing anyone anymore. Goodbye, master."

*                    *                        *                         *                      *

Kitt breathed heavily in the battlefield. The enemy had finally given up on formal battle and are all rushing in with full force. more coming in. Kitt wound up for another swing, but a sharp, searing pain flew through his body. He dropped the buster-class broadsword and fell to his knees. Dang it! I shoulda listened during sword training lessons! The soldiers came baring down on Kitt, but were knocked away in mid-air by Ling and Kagatou. "You really need to practice good form and proper sword handling if you wish to be a part of the Knights of Gaia, child. Ling, darling, help the poor boy." Kagatou fought off more as Ling picked Kitt up off the ground and pulled on his limbs to loosen his muscles up. Kitt yelped, "I... OW!.. have been... Ah!... told that... Eek!... quite often recently. Yeowch! I think you pulled my groin with that one!"

A few meters away, Zhael, Zhukov and Evey stood back-to-back-to-back from the large mass circled around them. Zhael stood firsm with his now half-broken war hammer and Zhukove panted, legs shaking a little with his chipped swords in his hands. Zhael looked over at Ever, then her straight blade. "How come your sword's not even close to chipped?" Evey smiled as she kept her eyes on the crowd of soldiers around them. "My sword is one of the three treasures of Vorona. Not poorly made like the weapons of you westerners. My sword's been tempered by the best Voronese smiths. The blade itself has been folded over 200,000 times, and made using 250 Kilos of iron. Its construction, alone, took an entire year and it never wears down. It is the true pride of Voronese Weaponry alongside with Kagatou and Koara's katanas." Zhukov chuckled, "Well, let's see if you're as proud when you're dead with the rest of us."

Not much further away, Bahamut, Barak and Alister were cornered against a boulder face on the side of the hill just outside of the village gate. Alister held his broken whip-sword in his right hand and hooked his left arm over Barak's shoulders, a couple arrows protruding from his left leg, where his greaves were destroyed. Bahamut stood in front, doing his best to cover Alister and Barak, broken broadswords in hand. He took a deep breath as he assessed the crowd around him. "Gentlemen, it has been an honor serving with you all of these years."

Just then, the sky lit up with another fire phoenix like at the castle, but this one was right over the battlefield. Everyone looked up, surprised at its appearance. Before anyone knew what was going on, the phoenix descended upon and slammed into the middle of the crowd of soldiers. Men began screaming in agony as they were lit on fire. Some soldiers began to panic, seeing a good number of their men burned to a crisp.  Another fire phoenix came flying in and hit the same spot, but this time dispersed into a ring of fire. From within fire, four figures emerged, it was Carina, Iridian, Golge and Koara. Zhukov laughed aloud, "I thought you all didn't want any part of this." Carina stepped forward and raised her arms, flames bursting from her eyes and hads. "Twould be quite troublesome to replace all four Emperors in place of just one." She slammed her palms to the ground and raised fire pillars to protect the three parties. Golge vanished as he drew his dirk, and Koara drew her katana while creating bunshin. Iridian ran past Carina, drawing his two halberds and plowed through the crowd of soldiers.

*                        *                     *                            *                     *

Epoch sat in a corridor, exhausted. his head swam as he'd nearly used up every drop of majicka, setting pieces of rubble around him into trap bombs. The faint sound of clashing blades surrounded him. Jack staggered as he blocked another strike from Vladimir. his katana shattered from the impact, while the top third of Vladimir's claymore chipped off. Jack tumbled back and hit the floor, unable to get back up. Vladimir readied his claymore, "It seems you have finally reached your limit. You were my best student Jack, but it ends here." He jumped into the air and aimed to plunge the blade into Jack. Before he landed, a barrier of ice raised over Jack and absorbed all the impact from Vladimir's attack. The blade still pushed through the barrier, but stopped a hair's width from Jack's nose. A white-cloaked figure rushed in and pulled Jack away. Vladimir pulled his sword out and charged, swiging with all his might. The figure raised his free arm to block and raised a shield of ice. The impact rebounded the force back at Vladimir and he was pushed back. Jack watched as the winds from the force blew off the figure's hood. It was a snow white wolf with ocean blue eyes, he had not hair, but rather, just fur. "Who... are you?" The wolf looked down at Jack, "My name is White. Head Master Carina had sent us to back you up." Jack gave a puzzling look, "Us?"

*                 *                        *                     *                  *

Red screamed as he fell backwards, two knives sticking out of his theighs. he breathed hard as his vision began to blur from the blood loss. Red loosened all his feathers and, with his remaining strength, sent a full barrage of all his remaining knives and kunai at Jay. however, the throw was too sloppy and most of them didn't go for the target, and the few that did fly at Jay, were caught. Jay smiled devilishly, "End of the line, buddy boy! Now, die!" Jay clenched the knives and threw them back at Red. Before they hit, Red's shadow grew and swallowed him, the knives hitting the ground. The shadow went across the floor and stretched from the floor in the corner, two figures rising from it. A racoon-Kin laid Red against the wall. Jay picked up another throwing knife and aimed at Red. The racoon vanished into the floor and reappeared behind Jay, grabbing his hand, preventing him from throwing the knife. "Your fight is with me, Philly the Sly Sorcerer!"

*                    *                     *                        *                     *

The figure tossed their aside, Vee Uzima. her twin sai reflected the moon's light, revealing black glyphs up and down its blades. Kratos eyed the sai, "I was wondering who would be strong enough to block my enchanted blade. Magic-nulling. I'm guessing Mr. Lazarus had enchanted those for you? It doesn't matter, though. i will kill you alongside that traitor." Kratos rushed Vee, swinging winging while keeping his distance. Vee blocked and she ran in to close the gap. Shinzuu followed close behind her as best he can, knowing what she was thinking. Kratos backed up, maintaining his swinging to keep distance, but they were closing in. Kratos swung more vigorously, but Vee's swiftness with her twin sai kept pace.

For a split second, Kratos hesitated a step and Vee leaped over him, cinching the saber with the sai and bringing it behind his back from over head. at the same time, Shinzuu rushed in and thrusted his sword into Kratos's chest. The eagle screamed and broke from Vee's lock. He swung down at Shinzuu, but screamed again as the twin sai were plunged into his back. Shinzuu quickly removed his sword and cut off kratos's sword arm. Kratos buckled down to his knees, clutch at his missing limb. Vee jumped onto his back, gripped his beak and snapped Kratos's neck. Vee breathed heavily as she plucked her sai from his back and stood on him. Blood smeared her face and armour, her face void of emotion, and eyes staring with a thirst for blood at the one below her feet. She muttered to herself softly as she continued to stare at the body.

Shinzuu sighed in relief and looked at her in curiousity as to why she helped him. "Thank you for your help. I guess you are better than I gave you credit for." Vee continued to stare at the body and mutter to herself, ignoring him. Fumed at being ignored, Shinzuu grabbed her shoulder, "Hey!" Vee knocked his hand off and quickly turned, striking with the sai in a reverse grip. Shinzuu quickly raised his sword with his other hand and blocked, the sai stopping just short of his face. He looked up at her face. Her expression was still void of emotion, but her eyes had become more intense, seeking more. Vee continued to mutter, but a little louder, "Not... enough... not... enough... more... blood... more..."

(Sorry, but I will be taking a short break for 2 weeks after this chapter because I will be starting a new job, and my notebook's out of pages. I'll post again after I buy a new notebook and settle down with my job. But again, thank you all for your continued support!)
« Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 05:49:36 PM by Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy »

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Re: The Kin Chronicles: The Black Kat
« Reply #91 on: March 09, 2010, 06:09:03 PM »
:o The bloodlust...

Hooray for me! :3

Great chapter, babe. :D
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Re: The Kin Chronicles: The Black Kat
« Reply #92 on: March 09, 2010, 07:34:44 PM »
Omg that was the best chapter so far, Vee Uzima power and White icy-ness *drools then stares at the clock hoping for 2 weeks to pass*
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Re: The Kin Chronicles: The Black Kat
« Reply #93 on: March 10, 2010, 07:36:00 AM »
Epic. I thought Jack was done for; then BAM! White saves the day! Come back soon, can't wait for more. ^_^
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Re: The Kin Chronicles: The Black Kat
« Reply #94 on: March 10, 2010, 06:52:28 PM »
brilliant chapter Shinzuu, good luck with your new job buddy  :3
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Offline Shinzuu Katame: Her Tolfy

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Re: The Kin Chronicles: The Black Kat
« Reply #95 on: March 03, 2011, 01:51:52 AM »
Chapter 8: Bloodshed

Jay Kaelin was annoyed by the sorcerer and quickly turned to meet Philly. "What the hell kind of name is that? Been listening to too many Minstrels' songs at the bar lately?" He used his turn to swing the dagger in his other hand, but Philly merely faded back into the shadows on the ground. Philly then began to pop in and out at various spots all around the walls, throwing pebbles, rocks and random items that were in the storage room, including some of the knives that were thrown all over the place from the battle. Kaelin caught or dodged every single item and threw back knives in order to hit Philly. "Stay still you slippery little bastard!" He watched Philly and tried to predict his movements. Jay quickly turned around and threw three knives towards one of the pillars behind him as Philly emerged. "Gotcha!" Philly wore a look of surprise on his face as he watched the knives fly at him as he emerged.

The blades then stopped a mere couple centimeters from Philly's body. "You're biting off more than you can chew. I may be just a sorcerer, but I'm a Mage's Apprentice. I study directly under Professor Chronin Lazarus. I'm quite a cut above others of my kind, considering I am one of the handful in history who can use two elements. Before he was able to come up with a new strategy, Jay soon found himself completely surround by all the knives that had loitered the whole room, all pointed at him. Philly smirked, "Only chance. Surrender." "Hell no! The leader of the Thieves Guild never surrenders!" With that, Philly's smirk disappeared and he outstretched his hands, opening his palms, and all the blades closed in from all directions. Jay sweat a little as he drew the other dagger back into his second hand, and recited an old incantation that no one else in the room was able to understand. The daggers then seemed to glow and he then ran, moving at a blinding speed. Jay deflected every single blade as they came at him while he ran. He then disappeared right out the door and out of sight. Philly disappeared into the wall, emerging all around the immediate area around the room, but unable to find any trace of Jay. Dammit

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White nodded at Jack's question, while keeping his eyes on Vladimir, "Yes, us. Headmaster Carina sent myself, Philly, and Lady Uzima's daughter here to help you all with your mission. She said, 'Those damned idiots are strong, but not at the level to fight an emperor yet. Keep those assholes alive so I can make them suffer later.' You three are quite lucky to take in the headmaster's favor." Jack swallowed hard at the thought of Carina when she's angry, "Says you. From what I remember, her fires are worse than the flames of hell." Vladimir, angered at being ignored, growled as he then rushed the two, "Don't talk like I'm not here. I've killed plenty of sorcerers in my life, you'll be no exception!" Spikes then emerged from White's ice shield and seemed to serpentine all over Vladimir's blade, catching it, and pierced into his wrists. "Maybe you have, but I'm the top of my class in the Water division of the Academy. I'm a Mage's Apprentice, so don't think I'm the least bit like the ones you've killed in the past." Vladimir scoffed, not even letting himself be fazed by the injury, and let go of the blade, pulling hard and breaking the spikes in his wrists. He then dove, mouth open, and caught his broken claymore with his mouth. "Not even close to finished yet, kid."

White shot more tentacle-like spikes out of his ice shield as Vladimir began to rush him. With surprising accuracy, Vladimir was able to slice through them. "You novice! The same tactic NEVER works twice on someone of a high caliber! I can see right through your fighting!" When Vladimir closed in, White fortified his shield to block, but Vladimir's swing into it was weak and shallow. Using the contact point as a pivot, Vladimir rotated himself around White's shield and got the claymore around it, slicing White in half. But to everyone's surprise, the body became ice and shattered on contact with the ground. "What the-!?" White's voice came from above, "I told you I was above the average sorcerer!" White's figure came from the balcony above and his arm was covered in an ice sword, twice the length of his arm, aiming at Vladimir's heart with a thrust. Vladimir turned to meet White's attack with his own and laughed maniacally, "Fool! My technique and power are greater than yours!" However, his smug smile and laugh disappeared as he was unable to swing. The fake White that he had killed earlier was grabbing the broken claymore while the leg on the other half of the fake White kicked Vladimir's knees out from behind him. White's thrust landed itself right in the middle of Vladimir's chest, blood pouring out of the wound as he had hit the heart directly. "You are strong, Vladimir, but your weakness is your ego. You underestimated me."

White pulled his arm out of the ice blade, which glowed a brilliant red at this point, and let Vladimir's body fall. He then let out a sigh of relief as he fell back and sat against the closest wall, "Phew! That was a close call! If you hadn't weakened him and broken his weapons, he probably would have killed me!"

*                                   *                                   *                              *                             *

Outside of Linkinshire, many soldiers' screams could be heard resounding in the air as the Guardians made short work of what was left of the attacking army. Not too far away, the army could see what was going on, and quickly laid down their weapons, waving a large, white flag while the others quickly threw away their weapons and screamed out their surrender in hopes that they would be spared. Kagatou and Ling stood at the little fishing town's gates and watched as the four Guardians who had come to their aide, walked over to them. Kagatou held his sword at the ready, not wanting to use it if he didn't have to. Carina raised a hand, but put it down, remembering who she was talking to. "Stay your hand, old one, I am not going to attack you." Kagatou laughed, "'Old one'? If I remember correctly, Carina, you were born two years before I was. If anyone should be called 'Old One' it should be you. All jests aside, what do you want? We left the Order, you had us banned from every major city and larger towns, what can you possibly want from us?" Carina scoffed, "Nothing, merely to pass tidings to thee. I have decided to become lenient and removed thine heads from the Bingo Book. However, forewarning you now, I will have thy son's head on a platter. Thou both have broken the sacred rule of the Kin, and tis a crime that will have no forgiveness." She sighed as she chose her words carefully, "However, if not for thou and thy wife, the Order would never have maintained its cohesiveness during that fateful battle. Therefore, thou both be pardoned for thine crimes. But thine son be an abomination, and therefore shan't receive any such pardon. I shall be doubling his bounty tomorrow. Say your final farewells tonight because they will be your last with him."

*                                      *                                        *                               *                             *

Shinzuu quickly backed up from where the two of them were standing, readied his sword, "What the hell is wrong with you!? Why did you attack me?" Still emotionless, Vee didn't say a word and turned, moving at a blurred speed snaking her path around debris. Shinzuu swung down, but Vee jumped right up into the air with a flip, coming down with both sai in reverse grip. Shinzuu quickly brought up the katana and blocked the twin sai from plunging into his shoulders. Grunting, he pushed her up, but she used the momentum to flip over Shinzuu and land behind him. The two of them quickly turned and clashed blades. Both swung with exceptional speed and power, sparks flying all over the place. "Alright, if you really wish to kill me, I guess I have no choice." Shinzuu's right eye then seemed to open a little wider as he concentrated for a split second and clashed his katana against Vee's sai, locking the twin weapons in place on her chest. Shinzuu's arms then seemed to split into multiple shadow replicas, which each held their own sword, and all slashed at Vee. Vee quickly let go of the sai and jumped back, the sai pulling back with her, as they were connected to her suit by a long, thin, metal string. She then began to swing the sai as she regained her footing, walking back toards Shinzuu. Shinzuu blocked as each sai came in for a swing, making sure he hits the blade exactly so Vee wouldn't have the chance to wrap her weapons around his katana and remove it from his grip.

Despite the deflections, Vee maintained her swings without missing a beat. A mere seconds after the barrage of swinging sai began, Vee crossed her hands and twirled the two sai together, she kept the momentum from their rotation and turned it into a corkscrew thrust aimed right at Shinzuu's head. Shinzuu then thrust his sword directly at the attack, but its rotation was too strong and cracked the top several centimeters off the blade, sending it flipping straight up into the air and out of his hand. He then quickly rotated on his left foot, barely staying on the edge of the walkway, and wrapped himself on the string to get a grip on it. The corkscrew twin sai, however, had cut through a good portion of his gi before then, and left multiple vertical, shallow cuts on his side. Shinzuu then pulled Vee in, pulling a kodachi from within his gi with his left, and stepped forward with his left foot, and brought the kodachi towards her neck. However, just as the blade touched the fur, the blade stopped. Shinzuu found himself under the grip of someone behind him, while Vee's limbs and neck were held at bay by ice shackles. "I'm sorry, but we can't let you kill Miss Uzima. Koara would be most unpleased if you were to do that." Shinzuu then found himself sinking into the ground and then reappeared at the end of the walk, back inside the castle. Shinzuu furiously swung the kodachi at the raccoon that pulled him away from the fight, but he merely vanished into the floor, emerging outside the corridor on the walkway. Philly gave a stern look and waved him off like a pest that needed to go away, "I brought your friends over to the front door, they will be fine for the moment, but I suggest you get to them. I'm sorry about Miss Vee attacking you, but when she's exposed to too much blood, she loses herself and becomes quite the killing machine. She can't even tell friend or foe when she's like that. Unlike her mother, she can't control herself at full strength. Before you take another step, I should warn you that in you can't face White and I in your current condition." Just as he said that, White walked over with Vee unconscious on his shoulder, "I've sedated her, she won't be doing anything else tonight. Shinzuu, I have a message from the Headmaster. She says that you should head home to Linkinshire immediately with your friends. She forgives your parents for their marriage, but your reward doubles tomorrow. She's hellbent on killing you. Anyone associated with you until tonight will be pardoned, but anyone who does, starting tomorrow, will be hunted just as severely." White had to try really hard to hide the disgust in his own face while he said all that, trying to remain professional, but the fact was that the sight of a mixed breed Kin made his stomach churn like almost every other person in Terra. Without another word, ice rose up from the ground and raised Philly and White up a few centimeters as it expanded into a slope that took the three of them down past the outer walls of the castle. Shinzuu watched as they left, and turned face, finding his way down to the front doors of the castle. There, he found Jack, Red and Epoch all resting against the entrance's broken hinges. Red was the first to get up to meet Shinzuu and gave him a big hug. "I'm glad you're okay, my friend. I wish you the best of luck." Shinzuu gave Red a confused look,"What do you mean?" Jack spoke up right away, "We all know, Shinzuu. But Red can't be with us anymore. He will be inheriting Kratos' throne in a couple days, and the people will need his leadership to make it through this kind of turmoil." Red gave a small smile, though,"But I'll still be with you guys tonight, since the decree doesn't take effect until tomorrow. Besides, someone's going to have to help you two carry Epoch's fat ass out of here." Shinzuu stared at Red in wonder, at first, almost as if he wasn't going to be able to handle parting with his best friend. Then, he chuckled, Jack and Red joining in. The three then began to laugh merrily as they enjoyed Red's joke. Epoch was still laying against the wall weezing from exhaustion,"Oh, haha, guys. Very funny. But don't get used to it, because I'm going on a diet starting tomorrow. You'll see." However, it just made the three of them laugh harder.

*                     *                         *                              *                               *

Back in Linkinshire, soldiers from the surviving members of the army cleaned up the bodies laid all over the battlefield and burned them in piles in a large grave, crying as they did. When Shinzuu arrived with the others, carrying Epoch, a couple families came out to meet their children, and helped Epoch into town. Shinzuu, after hugging his friends, walked up to his mother and father, whom led him into the village and into their home. Shinzuu hugged both his parents with each arm tightly, emotions running between the three. Ling was the first one to say anything, her more feminine side taking over, "Oh, my baby boy. Oh, how you've grown. You look so handsome! Just like your father when we were still in the Order." Shinzuu took a deep breath and let out his breath, tears welling up in his eyes, "Oh, mommy. I've missed you two so much. How much longer do you two have? You've both gotten so old in these last few years." Kagatou laughed with an old man's cackled, "Yet we still manage to fight stronger than emperors. And it seems that YOU have gotten quite strong. Your ki is deep and your sword seems quite sharper, though not quite there yet." Shinzuu stepped back and took in the sight of his family. Ling's prowess then seemed to take over and suckerpunched her son, "What is with the waterfalls, boy? You're a man! Act like one! Don't cry like a little ninny!" Shinzuu chuckled as he got up from the hit, "Good to see your personality hasn't changed, ma. Just promise me you'll never get senile, or else this town's as good as dead." The three of the laughed happily together and then fell into silence. "I'm really going to miss you all." The somber looks on Ling and Kagatou reflected their own remorse for the leaving of their son. Kagatou reached atop the shelf above the fireplace and pulled down an envelope. Walking over, he handed it to Shinzuu,"I pulled a few strings with one of the cargo shippers and got you a ferry over to Celestia. At least out there, you won't be hunted. Give this letter to Aviasa when you get there. I'm sure she will extend her nation's sovereignty over you." Shinzuu looked at the letter, and then at his father in disbelief.

*                                           *                                           *                                              *                                           *

Epoch and Jack were facing similar situations, just with their own families. Jack was near tears as he was bombarded by hugs from all 50 some-odd siblings he had. However, what hurt him the most, was that he would be missing out on his brother's funeral, if he chose to stick with his best friends.

*                                               *                                               *                                  *                                    *

The three friends came out of their homes and met at the local tavern, being the only ones there aside from the barkeep. Before Epoch or Jack were able to say anything, Shinzuu spoke up, "You two are not coming with me. Disassociate yourselves from me for now. I'm sure that we'll be together again down the road, but I think it's best we part ways for a while. I don't like it as much as you two, but it's my decision and mine alone." Epoch was at a loss of words and looked to Jack for help, who merely took a swig of his ale and sighed as he slammed the mug onto the table. He reached into his cloak, and produced a large satchel of coins. "Here's one-third of our account, 1.6 Zera. If I remember correctly, Celestia uses the same monetary system as we do. Take care of yourself." Epoch exploded at Jack, "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!? YOU'RE JUST GOING TO SIT BACK AND LET THEM DEPORT SHINZUU INTO EXILE!?" Jack began to protest, but Shinzuu got up to hold his shoulder down. "He merely understands, Epoch. Just live your life to the fullest. We'll partner again, soon. I promise." With that, Shinzuu left the bar and headed off to the pier.

Sorry for the delay guys, but I'm sure a lot of you are going to enjoy this. (PS. I do have permission from Vee.)

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Re: The Kin Chronicles: The Black Kat
« Reply #96 on: March 03, 2011, 02:13:12 AM »
How I've missed this story so much and for a long time thought it was dead. Bravo for the heroic return <3, I enjoyed that ice battle and the Uzima magics :P
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Re: The Kin Chronicles: The Black Kat
« Reply #97 on: March 03, 2011, 04:13:20 AM »
I. Am. EPIC!
It's amazing how I make my character a billion times better than I am. lol.
White being able to get in and sedate me without getting torn to shreds is pretty astonishing.
I shall not go willingly! *stealthily puts White in a sleeper hold while hanging over his shoulder* Haha.
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"True love doesn't have a happy ending because true love doesn't end." - Unknown

Offline White Wolf Guardian

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Re: The Kin Chronicles: The Black Kat
« Reply #98 on: March 03, 2011, 04:15:51 AM »
*Begs for mercy* Also it's too bad Jellymuffins isn't around anymore to read this.
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Re: The Kin Chronicles: The Black Kat
« Reply #99 on: March 03, 2011, 02:37:04 PM »
indeed. I would've expected Philly to be on, though. He IS still around, after all.


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