Astonished with what he was hearing over the coms, he sat in his cockpit completely amazed at what they were doing “the years I’ve put into the ECAs army, starting from nothing but a trainee to the rank I am today, the countless souls I’ve token in their name, and am not even going to get paid for it?” his Mech was still logged into the ECAs main targeting computer, which also gave the positions of all ECA troops on the battlefield “it was time for a new job title anyways, maybe terrorist” he said as he stop targeting Vulpan Mechs and started targeting the ECA. To him it didn’t matter rather they were fur or human, wounded or fleeing, if anyone from the ECA was caught in his cross-hairs, they would suffer the same fate. One after another he picked off the ECA troops who were trying lay down cover fire to protect their fleeing brothers, the same people he had fought a long side with for years, people he trusted to watch his back, he sighed a little as he ended their lives.