From the Desk of CAT:
hello, you... You disgust me, i mean look at you! you have the memory span of a freaking goldfish! you have SOME good ideas but you never put them to paper, i dont even see how you got the will to get off of your ass to write THIS! you have the worst way of saving money, you spend it on food that will stay in your stomach for two hours, you GIVE everyone and anyone money who asks for it!
You are the EXACT PICTURE of failure! you cant even spell that right half the time. you may tell yourself that your a kind person; but you know that on the inside your just as homicidal as the rest of those people in State!
and how many times have you nearly lost it because of they said they didn't want to talk to you, you have horrible anger issues and cant contain them!
Sincerely, CAT *spits on name*
[[dear god that was a mouthful.... at least i got that out. dont take any of this as me being scuicidal or anything else, i'm just angry with myself for more than five reasons]]