Hey there, my name is Ebesu. Back in my old village, we use to practice sparring for self defense. Only those on the top could use lethal weapons. It's good practice for just in case the going gets tough. During my life as a pure human, I was only the best.
A staff is incredibly unique. It's much different than many modern weapons due to it's high versatility. It's also much lighter than most weapons and makes you more flexible in combat. However it's major downside is that even though it can bludgeon, it won't bludgeon very hard. Most material to make one is also very fragile.
This is a room where I teach the way's of sparring with a staff. It's unusual to use a staff for a main weapon yes? Mine is a little special. But we don't need any craftsmanship here, just find a sturdy stick and we can get started. Nobody should be lethally harmed and it works on your cunning.