Aura is a history loving, mountain goat, he's taurian, posessing the back legs of a mountain goat in replacement of standard legs. He can often be a little too trusting and get himself into situations he almost certainly regrets, however he's friendly enough, and responds well to criticism.
He possesses a very pale blue coat, which is quite thick, meaning he rarely has to wear clothing, still, he always keeps a pack with him containing stuff for shaving himself quickly and efficiently (Something he's done more than once), so he looks like a normal goat, and clothes look less ridiculous on him. His horns do a half curve, before ending in a rounded nub, and he has a small, goaty beard.
He happens to be nervous around both genders, usually finding it difficult to fit in to either role. They both intimidate him somewhat, unless they're children, which he ignores most of the time. Those older than him he believes are wiser, and those roughly his age, he finds difficult to mingle with, still, if you can open him up he's freindly enough, he has a few odd opinions on things however...