« on: August 03, 2011, 09:48:20 AM »
hi all. i am new to the site, but have been a furry for at least a year and a half. (removed)
« Last Edit: August 03, 2011, 03:39:41 PM by Macid, Reason: english only »
I accept anyone and every one for who they are. I do not lie, or gossip, or hate. If you ask me a personal question, i will answer. However, if you attempt to offend me, i know how to break your arm with only one hand and can put you on the floor with the same hand. Do not EVER mention anything offensive or it will take the strength of SIX nuclear bunkers to stop me. Other than that, i'm a very easy guy to talk to. Unless you hate gays, then we have a problem.